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Five Minute Briefing - Information Management
August 23, 2018

Five Minute Briefing - Information Management: August 23, 2018. A concise weekly report with key product news, market research and insight for data management professionals and IT executives.

News Flashes

Following an 8-month beta program with more than 700 registered participants, Fluree PBC has announced the GA release of FlureeDB, a blockchain database built for enterprise-grade applications. "FlureeDB is a product we have been building for 4 years now," said Brian Platz, co-founder and co-CEO at Fluree PBC. "It is a very innovative database in that it incorporates a lot of the features that people want and need today as they are developing apps but also incorporates blockchain capabilities in the core of how it operates."

Uncovering Insights in a Mess of Data
