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Five Minute Briefing - Information Management
March 27, 2014

Five Minute Briefing - Information Management: March 27, 2014. A concise weekly report with key product news, market research and insight for data management professionals and IT executives.

News Flashes

Applying Predictive Analytics to March Madness

Datameer, which provides a self-service and schema-free big data analytics application for Hadoop, has introduced Datameer 4.0 which enables big data analytics workflow with visual insights at every step of analysis.

Zettaset introduced a new encryption capability integrated into its existing security solution for enterprises using Hadoop.

Think About It

Cloud technologies and frameworks have matured in recent years and enterprises are realizing the benefits cloud adoption presents. The future of cloud deployments will involve rapid adoption of new technology frameworks beyond Hadoop, open standards in the area of cloud security, identity, and trust, as well as a universal and simple query language for aggregating data from legacy and emerging data stores.

The need for better Hadoop security is widely acknowledged. However, the transformative potential of big data is spurring the industry to quickly fill Hadoop's security gaps. To keep pace with these developments, organizations must keep a close watch on the new tools and practices being deployed.
