Big Data Quarterly Articles

How AI Strengthens Enterprise Data and Analytics Programs

Posted December 23, 2019

The Age of the Contextualist

Posted December 16, 2019

Accelerating the Data Science Ecosystem

Posted December 16, 2019

DBMS 2020: State of Play

Posted December 09, 2019

Hybrid Clouds—Myth or Reality?

Posted December 09, 2019

Solving CPU Bottlenecks in a Mobile-First World

Posted December 02, 2019

The Role of ETL and Data Prep in the Cloud

Posted December 02, 2019

A Road Map to Closing the Data Science Skills Gap

Posted December 02, 2019

Hewlett Packard Enterprise has announced the HPE Container Platform, an enterprise-grade Kubernetes-based container platform designed for both cloud-native applications and monolithic applications with persistent storage. With the HPE Container Platform, the company says, enterprise customers can accelerate application development for new and existing apps—running on bare-metal or virtualized infrastructure, on any public cloud, and at the edge.

Posted November 18, 2019

PlanetScale has announced the general availability of PlanetScale CNDb, a fully managed cloud native database designed on Vitess, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)-hosted open source project that serves massive scale production traffic at large web-scale companies such as YouTube, Slack, and Square.

Posted November 18, 2019

Just as in the oil industry, exploitation of data comes down to how good your refinery capabilities are. Just as oil has to be refined to get valuable products out of it, such as gasoline and jet fuel, data has to be refined into insights. And, just as in the old days of the oil business, the rush is on.

Posted September 26, 2019

There is no substitute for genius, and despite the awesome power of the GPU and the majesty of the new manifestations of AI, there is no substitute for the human mind.

Posted September 26, 2019

As business analytics education, including specific instruction in data visualization, becomes more solidified in higher education, the question is not: "Are we teaching business analytics?" but instead becomes: "What are we teaching in business analytics?" To make education most valuable, it should align with what the market is looking for in potential job candidates.

Posted September 26, 2019

While on the surface Wall Street may appear conservative and risk-averse, when it comes to IT, the financial services industry has continually led the adoption of new technologies—sometimes out of a drive for innovation, and other times out of necessity.

Posted September 26, 2019

IT executives and line-of-business experts understand the importance of data for their success and are adopting modern technologies to enable the delivery of timely data and insights to enhance decision making. In line with their data-driven goals, organizations are leveraging hybrid and multi-cloud strategies. However, they are also finding that cloud approaches add their own complexity.

Posted September 26, 2019

It might be the most frequently asked question of a data governance consultant: "Who should own data governance, the business or IT?" And man, that's a loaded question! When you dig deeper into the root of the question, most people really want to know one of two things—"Who should ultimately own data decision making for our company?" or, "Where will data governance be most successful?" Let's take a closer look at those two questions.

Posted September 26, 2019

Multi-cloud offers many benefits—in terms of documented security, compliance, and savings outcomes—but every migration presents challenges. Understanding best practices around how to successfully launch a multi-cloud migration journey is crucial to avoiding the common pitfalls along the way.

Posted September 26, 2019

Has the meaning of big data changed? Many agree that data no longer has to be "big" to meet today's evolving requirements. In particular, open source and cloud tools and platforms have brought data-driven sensibilities into organizations that previously did not have such expertise, making big data more accessible.

Posted September 26, 2019

Big Data 50—Companies Driving Innovation in 2019

Posted September 11, 2019

It is well-known that data scientists spend about 90% of their time performing data logistics-related tasks. Anything that a data scientist can do to reduce it is a good use of their time, and a benefit to the organization as a whole. Enter RAPIDS—a data science framework offering support for executing an end-to-end data science pipeline entirely on the GPU.

Posted September 03, 2019

Databricks, a provider of unified analytics and original creators of Apache Spark, is boosting its Unified Analytics Platform with automation and augmentation throughout the machine learning lifecycle.

Posted August 20, 2019

Stardog, a provider of Enterprise Knowledge Graph technology, is releasing Stardog 7, including a new storage engine that is dramatically faster, providing between 10x and 20x improvement for write performance.

Posted August 14, 2019

Start-up Trinity Cyber is closing on $23 million in funding from top institutional investors led by Intel Capital, allowing the company to further invest in preventing cyberattacks.

Posted August 13, 2019

Lucidworks, a provider of AI-powered search solutions, announced a $100 million funding round from investors, including Francisco Partners, a global technology-focused private equity fund, and TPG Sixth Street Partners, a global finance and investment firm. With the investment, Francisco Partners and TPG Sixth Street Partners join Top Tier Capital Partners, Shasta Ventures, Granite Ventures, and Allegis Cyber.

Posted August 12, 2019

The Cloud Security Alliance(CSA) has released a list of the top threats to cloud computing which it has dubbed "The Egregious Eleven."

Posted August 12, 2019

Perspective on Data Governance: Q&A with Myke Lyons, Chief Information Security Officer at Collibra

Posted August 07, 2019

HPE Acquires Business Assets of MapR

Posted August 06, 2019

As the 2.0 release was rolled out in July, Dipti Borkar, VP, product management and marketing at Alluxio, reflected on the data engineering problems that have emerged as a result of the increasingly decoupled architecture for modern workloads. Just as compute and containers need Kubernetes for container orchestration, Alluxio contends, data also needs orchestration—a tier that brings data locality, accessibility, and elasticity to compute across data silos, zones, regions, and clouds.

Posted July 30, 2019

Talend, a provider of cloud data integration and data integrity, is releasing its Summer '19 version of Talend Data Fabric, accelerating the development of all types of integration environments from simple ingestion tasks to the most comprehensive integration scenarios.

Posted July 17, 2019

Eight Trends in Data Analytics

Posted July 17, 2019

Increasingly, people across the spectrum of organized human activity—from business to government—are recognizing the importance of better managing and governing their data assets. "Data is becoming an increasingly critical foundation of the economy and of our lives," said Kevin Lewis, director of strategic offer management for Teradata. "The more this happens, the more important regulation will be, not just for privacy, but also for data quality."

Posted July 17, 2019

IGEL, a provider of the next-gen edge OS for cloud workspaces, and CloudJumper are forming a partnership to simplify the deployment and management of cloud workspaces, including WVD workspaces delivered on Microsoft Azure.

Posted July 16, 2019

Logi Analytics Snaps Up Zoomdata, Extending Leadership in Embedded Analytics

Posted June 18, 2019

Data visualization is often described as part art and part science, and it's true: Visual design and information representation are separate yet highly interrelated concepts that, together, create meaning visually from data. Applied in data visualization, these elements leverage our brain's cognitive functions to help us better see and understand information, and to interact with, learn from, and reach new insights in our data.

Posted May 16, 2019

Apache Airflow is turning heads these days. It integrates with many different systems and it is quickly becoming as full-featured as anything that has been around for workflow management over the last 30 years. This is predominantly attributable to the hundreds of operators for tasks such as executing Bash scripts, executing Hadoop jobs, and querying data sources with SQL.

Posted May 16, 2019

Security operation centers (SOCs) are grappling with the demands of a growing threat landscape.

Posted May 16, 2019

Becoming future-proof sounds similar to something you would need a fortune teller for. If anyone can teach me how to become a fortune teller, then I would like to sign up for that training class! But I don't believe that you have to be a fortune teller to be future-proof. Rather, it is more about acknowledging some hard facts about the pitfalls in your organization, and then trying to avoid stepping in them.

Posted May 16, 2019

It is still early for the use of cognitive technologies and AI, but many organizations are exploring the potential it holds across a range of industries. Retail, banking, healthcare, and manufacturing are industries leading the charge to leverage AI today. At the same time, concerns persist.

Posted May 16, 2019

Data architectures are becoming more complex and changing more frequently, requiring that a new operational mindset be applied to data management. In particular, automating the building and maintenance of data pipelines is needed, as is instrumenting and continuously monitoring pipeline performance to ensure reliability and quality for data consumers. We call this practice "DataOps."

Posted May 16, 2019

Keep your eye on the ball! Good eye! Way to watch! Baseball season is in full swing (pun maybe intended) and, with three sons, I have begun to hear these phrases in my sleep. Enough so that it sent me down a rabbit hole of curiosity. I began looking for the origin of the phrase "Keep your eye on the ball." Turns out, there is an interesting parallel with data governance.

Posted May 16, 2019

Ask 10 people "What is high availability?" and you might get 15 different answers. For the purposes here, HA will be defined as ensuring SQL Server is operating when and as needed. "When" takes into account the percentage of time SQL Server is up and running, while "as" takes into account proper operation with no data loss and/or corruption.

Posted May 09, 2019

Next Stop, Silicon Valley Africa

Posted May 09, 2019

Accenture's Bhaskar Ghosh recently reflected on how systems have and will change and the forces driving this transformation. "Boundaries between applications and infrastructure are blurring to the point they're nearly indistinguishable," noted Ghosh.

Posted May 09, 2019

Kubeflow is a workflow tool which prides itself on making machine learning workflows simple to build, scalable, and portable. It provides graphical end-user tools to set up and define the steps in a pipeline. Most importantly, as data scientists build out their use cases, they add more and more steps and, when using Kubeflow, they end up with a documented, repeatable process.

Posted April 24, 2019

Cloud computing—and everything that goes with it—is dramatically changing the roles and aspirations of database administrators. No longer do DBAs need to be chained to their databases, wrestling with managing updates, applying security patches, and dealing with capacity issues. Moving to a cloud data environment is steadily shifting DBAs' roles from hands-on database overseers to value-drivers for their businesses—and enabling a range of career advancement opportunities not seen since the dawn of relational databases.

Posted April 11, 2019

Your mileage may vary, but there is an allegorical household phenomenon that provides some lessons in understanding the data lake—the coffee can that often ends up in the garage or tool space of a home to collect all the stray, old-project hardware someone in the household cannot bear to part with.

Posted April 02, 2019

What happened to the 500 million data points from the Starwood data breach?

Posted April 02, 2019

How Containers and Microservices Enable Cloud's Next Frontier: Q&A with IBM's Jim Comfort

Posted April 02, 2019

It's easy to see when the emperor has no clothes, just as it's easy to spot a truly bad technology. What's much harder is spotting an overhyped technology—one that has great promise that hasn't been fulfilled yet, or one that is great for a given purpose, but positioned as the cure for world hunger.

Posted March 27, 2019

Working Backward (Or: What IoT Can Learn From Steve Jobs)

Posted March 08, 2019



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