Big Data Quarterly Articles

As enterprises rushed to digitize their offline assets over the past year, data finally won widespread recognition as the lifeblood of modern commerce. At a high level, data enabled pandemic-shocked businesses to comprehensively understand their changing landscapes, then generate actionable predictions for how demand would shift. There's little question that data has grown in importance every year, but in 2021, there's now no question that its value is crystal clear to virtually every enterprise.

Posted August 04, 2021

Founded by the creators of Apache Kylin, venture-backed Kyligence and is dual-headquartered in San Jose, California, and Shanghai, China. Luke Han, co-founder and CEO at Kyligence, recently explained the company's connection to the open source project, its future goals, where it fits into the global data management ecosystem, and how it plans to differentiate itself from competitors.

Posted June 08, 2021

Polyglot persistence, the practice of selecting the best database for the job, is on the rise. The days of the one-size-fits-all approach are gone as companies strongly embrace a range of NoSQL/NewSQL and relational, cloud and on-prem, and proprietary and open source options. With this trend, comes the opportunity to choose the right database for the job but also greater complexity.

Posted May 26, 2021

As restrictions caused by the pandemic begin to ease and a "new normal" for business comes into view, some organizations are emerging as winners. Key to thriving and not just surviving, many experts say, is the ability to use data more effectively, enabled by the well-applied use of the right database technologies and cloud resources as well as automation and AI.

Posted May 26, 2021

Everyone is talking about digital transformation and the new normal of working from home, which has inarguably brought cybersecurity threats to a new level. With the boundaries of the network parameter all but disappearing, the risks of an attack are greater than ever.

Posted May 26, 2021

Network security logs are a ubiquitous record of system runtime states and messages of system activities and events. Parsing logs with regular expressions is the most widely utilized method available for network log analysis. Providing a toolset powered by NLP to perform log parsing is a game changer in the critical and time-sensitive area of cybersecurity.

Posted May 26, 2021

As many people in the world pass through the eye of the pandemic storm, aspiring to survive and experience the sun again, another catastrophe looms—albeit barely visible. This potentially devastating problem lurks around the corner from the big-box store that may have just provided their COVID-19 vaccinations, but it is of a very different nature. We are facing a pending tsunami of automation.

Posted May 26, 2021

Empowering every data user starts with reassessing how we think people work with data. Too often, we think "data professionals" but hear "data scientists," "business analysts," and "power users."

Posted May 26, 2021

A new type of channel looms on the horizon for Customer 360 projects, and it is going to be the toughest one of all to achieve. In order to master it, customer experience needs to evolve to the next level—a level that can be thought of as the "connected customer experience." The channel? Connected products.

Posted May 26, 2021

Deploying AI fairly, safely, and responsibly requires clarity about the risks and rewards of an imperfect solution, not the attainment of perfection. An AI algorithm will make mistakes. The error rate may be equal to or lower than that of a human. Regardless, until data perfectly representing every potential state—past, current, and future—exists, even a perfectly prescient algorithm will err. Given that neither perfect data nor perfect algorithms exist, the question isn't whether errors will happen but instead: When, under what conditions, and at what frequency are mistakes likely?

Posted May 26, 2021

The move to next-generation databases is driven by their ability to help companies achieve competitiveness and reach customers faster and more efficiently. These new breeds of systems can be a force for business transformation—whether it is generating new sources of revenue, enhancing customer experience, or producing data-driven insights that improve how organizations interact with customers.

Posted May 26, 2021

In 2020, very few open source software projects remained truly "open" without a single company acting essentially as an owner. PostgreSQL and Debian are probably the last relics of the idealistic era of the 1980s and 1990s. Let's look at how and why the OSS market and the ownership of open source software projects have changed over time, and take a glimpse into what the future will bring as open source projects continue to mature and as adoption continues to rise.

Posted May 06, 2021

A few years ago, if you had asked a group of C-Level executives to project which software delivery trend would be more important for organizations, most would have ranked DevOps ahead of containers. DevOps promised to profoundly refocus and reenergize software teams while containers looked like an interesting new way to repackage resources that were already there. Today, the rankings have flipped.

Posted May 05, 2021

Data is a critical company asset that has continued to grow exponentially for over a decade. However, to create game-changing business value, data not only needs to be analyzed, but it needs to be utilized.

Posted April 15, 2021

In the future, 2021 may be viewed as a sharp turning point when companies recovered from the dramatic changes of 2020 and moved from surviving to thriving. Recently, John O'Brien, CEO and principal advisor, Radiant Advisors, spoke with BDQ about the challenges and opportunities for organizations as they emerge from the seismic shifts of the past year.

Posted April 09, 2021

After a wild and turbulent 2020, the new year has ushered in a renewed commitment to establishing or improving corporate governance. Yet, positive energy aside, our traditional approach to endorsing governance of data, analytics, or AI remains fraught. As a result, governance initiatives springing from an earnest desire to do right (e.g., responsible AI), as well as the need to not do wrong (e.g., regulatory/compliance), struggle to enlist broad coalitions of the willing.

Posted April 05, 2021

The full potential for companies that digitally transform is predicted to be $100 trillion by 2025. This astonishing value would be reached through the combination of digital technologies—mobile, cloud, AI, sensors, and analytics, among others. These are accelerating progress exponentially, said the World Economic Forum, but this growth can be realized only if there is collaboration between business, policymakers, and non-governmental organizations.

Posted April 05, 2021

As the world of data analytics continues to evolve and reshape after a tumultuous 2020, the need for agility is rapidly driving a new era in data culture in which it is imperative to handle data immediately and at scale. While emphasis on self-service data and analytics has been top-of-mind for some time now, the shift to self-sufficiency is held back by culture, not technology. With the new year pushing more robotics process automation at all levels of the business—and for all data users—organizations are becoming more acutely aware that true enablement isn't just about tools and tech. It's about people.

Posted April 05, 2021

The world changed over the last year. Future historians will complete their theses focusing on different quarters or even specific months of 2020. But one of the most overused cliches in thinking about this period of time has been the idea that "the more things change, the more they remain the same." Let's consider sports in 2020. Major League Baseball had a 60-game season, the NBA finals were played in October, and cardboard cutouts took the place of fans in every sport. However, the Lakers won the NBA finals, the Dodgers won the World Series with the Yankees playing deep into the playoffs, and Tom Brady went to his 10th Super Bowl. The more things change …

Posted April 05, 2021

Securing information systems and data is a foundation for any organization. Detection of insider threats can be a considerable challenge for threat detection systems and security analysts. This is due to the difficulty of determining non-normal actions from internal system behavior data.

Posted April 05, 2021

Today, the idea of picking up the phone to call a travel agent to plan out a vacation seems archaic. It used to be that everyone used a travel agent, but nowadays it's an occupation that caters mainly to the wealthy. Yet there was something about it that was uniquely valuable, something that the legions of vacation-planning websites and travel-booking apps—powered by oceans of data and cutting-edge algorithms—haven't been able to fully replicate.

Posted April 05, 2021

Multi-cloud is changing the way we manage data. It's seen as a way to build a more resilient diversity of services while ensuring a greater degree of independence from a single vendor. At the same time, it takes skill to get everything aligned. In recent years, multi-cloud has become a popular approach, with 93% of enterprises using a multi-cloud strategy, according to the latest Flexera/RightScale survey on cloud adoption. The survey found that respondents use an average of 2.2 public and 2.2 private clouds.

Posted April 02, 2021

Conventional data management systems are fundamentally ill-suited for the world of data as it exists today. These systems, based with few exceptions on the relational data model, are broken because they integrate based on data location at the storage layer. While this approach worked reasonably well for the past 25 years, the world today has far too much data to use data location in storage as the basic lever.

Posted April 02, 2021

Data may be at the heart of all digital engagements, but most enterprises are still behind the curve when it comes to effectively identifying and managing it. That's the takeaway from the latest survey of 419 enterprise executives from BARC, which finds continuing challenges with identifying and surfacing the data assets needed to succeed in today's digital economy.

Posted April 02, 2021

Faster decision making enabled by access to role-appropriate information is the goal of organizations striving to become data-driven. At the same time, there is strong pressure on companies to ensure data quality and trustworthiness, as well as to maintain data security to avoid breaches and risk regulatory non-compliance.

Posted April 02, 2021

Ben Sharma, co-founder and chief product officer of Zaloni, spoke with BDQ about the challenges companies are facing in their efforts to gain value from data.

Posted March 11, 2021

VMware has announced portfolio updates to help customers modernize their applications and infrastructure, including new releases of vSphere 7 and vSAN 7 to help IT teams support new and existing applications with infrastructure that is developer and AI-ready.

Posted March 09, 2021

In 2020, companies across every industry were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, many new business models emerged, including curbside deliveries, contactless-service, and virtual fitness training, to name a few. With 2021 well underway, let's take a look at the new business and technology habits that we can expect to endure even after the pandemic is over.

Posted March 08, 2021

Franz Inc., an early innovator in artificial intelligence (AI) and supplier of graph database technology for knowledge graph Solutions, is releasing Allegro NFS Server 7.0 for Windows with 64-bit performance and support for all current versions of the Windows operating system.

Posted February 17, 2021

The new release improves the balance between performance and cost and enhances an organization's ability to deploy and manage new services with benefits for all InsightEdge portfolio platforms.

Posted February 17, 2021

A new survey reveals that 87% of respondents lack the budget necessary to analyze their growing data stores despite the widespread recognition that a business' success today lies in being able to take the data it possesses and use it to make decisions.

Posted February 17, 2021

Software AG has entered into a collaboration agreement with Automation Anywhere to make scalable automation achievable for more businesses. Software AG's ARIS platform will bookend Automation Anywhere RPA with process mining and process management, helping to improve the discovery of automation opportunities and then management of automated processes.

Posted February 17, 2021

Radiant Advisors' John O'Brien explained modern data architecture at Data Summit Connect Fall 2020.

Posted February 16, 2021

DataOps is seen as a key approach for supporting insight-driven culture at organizations seeking to extract more value from their data. However, DataOps is still somewhat open to interpretation. DataKitchen's Chris Bergh talked to BDQ about how the DataOps methodology has evolved and how customers are using it now.

Posted February 08, 2021

While many companies are using IoT for reasons numbers one and two, few have embraced it for reason number three—disrupting with new business models. Despite top management stating that digital is important (20% of all top strategic initiatives in annual reports now include the word "digital")—and that IoT is one of the most disruptive and necessary technologies to shape their markets—in reality, they are mainly using it to manage costs by improving efficiencies and enhancing customer experience by augmenting existing products. This is severely limiting organizations' ability to gain new value.

Posted January 18, 2021

As Charles Darwin famously posited, it is not strength but rather the ability to adapt that is critical for survival. We see examples of this all around.

Posted January 18, 2021

For ethics to take root, sustainable governance practices must be infused into the fabric of an organization's AI ecosystem.

Posted January 18, 2021

The tectonic technology shifts we saw with the advent of Hadoop will not be seen again for quite a long time, but don't get too comfortable because the development of new tools and technologies to support the data science space isn't slowing down any time soon.

Posted January 18, 2021

The real value of cloud lies not just in its ability to reduce infrastructure costs, but in the opportunities it presents to rethink the business.

Posted December 14, 2020

Data miscommunication happens all the time between databases. Let's look at what you need to build machine learning models at scale, what the current options are, and why "feature stores" are becoming a new trend in this space.

Posted December 14, 2020

The primary role of database ‘custodian' continues to be the main emphasis of their jobs but increasingly, DBAs are expected to take on additional responsibilities.

Posted December 14, 2020

The cloud-tipping point for database technology had already occurred by the beginning of 2020, but what was a gradual migration to the cloud is now looking increasingly like a sprint.

Posted December 08, 2020

As applications continue to grow in scale and complexity, so does the challenge of supporting them. From geo-distribution, to high-volume transactions and the processing of new data sources and types, modern applications require speed, scalability and flexibility—whether in the ground or the cloud. DBTA recently held a roundtable webinar to educate IT decision-makers and practitioners about the new data management technologies and techniques for speed and scalability.

Posted November 13, 2020

While executives often express their desire to be data-driven in their decision making, a new study finds that the reality is that two-thirds of CEOs are still making decisions based on gut feel.

Posted November 13, 2020

Instana, a provider of APM and observability solutions for cloud-native and microservice applications, now offers the ability to monitor and trace applications using Google Cloud Run, Pub/Sub, and Storage technologies.

Posted November 12, 2020

What do prison guards, dental hygienists, and barbers have in common? They all have jobs that rely on physical proximity and carry a high risk of exposure to diseases, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

Posted September 14, 2020

Never have charts and graphs been more prominent in the collective public consciousness. The increased focus on data-driven insights has, just as so much in life, been both positive and negative.

Posted September 14, 2020

No matter where you live in the world, your life has been impacted by the technology and innovation conceived of in Silicon Valley. The wealth that has been created has been enormous. A popular British newspaper once published an article suggesting that if Silicon Valley were a country, it would be among the richest on Earth.

Posted September 11, 2020

When talking about data science, most people feel as if they are in one of two camps as far as data size. The first is really small data—hundreds of megabytes to a few gigabytes. The second is gigabytes to terabytes. Notice I didn't say "big data," nor did I say "petabytes." The source datasets may start at petabyte-scale, but keep in mind that data is often very raw, and most of it is ignored.

Posted September 11, 2020

Big data has been around in one form or another for a long time, but lately, due to current events and intensified pressure, there has been greater attention focused on data-driven approaches to manage operations and understand customers. Recognizing that value has shifted to the digital realm, businesses have been looking to technologies that will take them to the next level.

Posted September 11, 2020



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