Big Data Quarterly Articles

The COVID-19 crisis has presented some new hurdles—but they are ones that many innovative companies are actively working to overcome. Forward-looking companies aren't sitting the year out waiting for the business climate to improve. They are actively seeking ways to expand their reach and take advantage of new opportunities.

Posted September 10, 2020

It will take time for many organizations to resume "busi­ness as usual"—making it more important than ever for them to think fast, but strategically, about their digital transformation efforts and which tools and solutions will best help them succeed.

Posted September 10, 2020

Launched in June during the COVID-19 crisis, Ahana is a Presto-based analytics company founded by Steven Mih and Dipti Borkar, experts in open source and distributed data systems. Recently, Mih and Borkar discussed the analytics challenges data professionals are facing now and their involvement with the Presto Foundation.

Posted August 24, 2020

The annual Data Summit conference went digital earlier this year, becoming Data Summit Connect. The online event in June featured live presentations by executives from leading IT organizations who engaged attendees with compelling presentations and spirited discussions on a variety of topics including data analytics and privacy, knowledge graphs, and AI and machine learning. The following are key points distilled from the 3-day webinar series.

Posted August 11, 2020

Ensuring that applications are performing optimally has always been important. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations have sped up their cloud plans and are now relying on new tools to ensure that their cloud-based applications are performing with the right levels of availability, performance, and security. Bruno Kurtic, founding vice president of product management and strategy at Sumo Logic, recently discussed current trends in cloud workload management and how new tools can improve continuous cloud app observability.

Posted August 06, 2020

At Data Summit Connect 2020, Clay Jackson, senior database systems sales engineer, Quest Software Inc, discussed how hybrid cloud—combining public, community, and private cloud, and features of SaaS and IaaS—provides the best of both worlds for organizations migrating their data.

Posted July 24, 2020

At Data Summit Connect 2020, Lee Rainie, director, internet and technology research, Pew Research Center, projected the future of information sharing online and its social, cultural, and economic impact as foreseen by analysts and experts surveyed by Pew Research.

Posted July 20, 2020

At Data Summit Connect 2020 Bruno Kurtic, founding VP, strategy and solutions, Sumo Logic, explained how digital transformation and the drive to differentiate has made every company a software business.

Posted July 13, 2020

At Data Summit Connect 2020, Thomas Cook, director of sales, Cambridge Semantics, described the laborious process of manually discovering, sorting, cleaning, and conforming silo'd data that consumes the lion's share of data scientists' time, and how new approaches are improving the process.

Posted July 10, 2020

Today, with a quick screen tap on a personal handheld processor, people seeking a ride can open a cloud-based app and connect with a drivers who can pinpoint an exact pick-up location via GPS, arrange a dropoff, and make a payment without the need to physically exchange cash or card.  Who would have imagined this reality when just 40 years ago, before the internet was mainstream, the only computing interface was conducted on a green-screen "dumb terminal" limited to display and data entry? Nevertheless, this current moment is the reality for only a fleeting period of time before a new, transformative—and disruptive—technological era begins.

Posted June 30, 2020

CCPA took effect on Jan. 1, 2020, following the May 25, 2018, launch of the landmark global compliance regulation GDPR. When California begins enforcing CCPA on July 1, 2020, any for-profit entity doing business in California that collects, shares, or sells California consumers' personal data will be governed by CCPA.

Posted June 29, 2020

The CCPA deadline has come and gone. And, while the California attorney general won't enforce the act until July 1, just 5 months before its effective date, a recent survey revealed that only slightly more than one in 10 business owners and executives were aware of whether the law even applied to their business. Alarmingly, almost half had never heard of the regulation.

Posted June 26, 2020

In a world ruled by data, it is frightening to think how few people take protecting their information seriously. While it has become easy to share everything from an email address and mobile number to more sensitive personal information, what are the consequences of not safeguarding data?

Posted June 24, 2020

IT teams face an uphill battle in managing the deluge of apps that now populate enterprise networks. A big reason for this is that employees have access to a wide array of SaaS and cloud-delivered platforms—both business-critical tools and otherwise—that they can deploy in just a few clicks. This puts the onus on network teams to lay out specific policies about what kind of tools they'll allow on the network, as apps that could pose a threat to network performance are now increasingly common and easier than ever to deploy.

Posted June 23, 2020

Cybersecurity attacks have been increasing at an exponential rate. In 2018 alone, more than 2,000 data breaches were reported. The impact of these attacks has been calculated at more than $6 trillion. Given these statistics, the security of data lakes is of paramount importance. We all understand the value of a cloud data lake.

Posted June 22, 2020

The message on the business landscape is clear: Vulnerabilities are everywhere. They're in software, in hardware, in processes, and even in people. It only takes a small, unguarded threat vector for hackers to attack, invade, steal data, and wreck reputations.

Posted June 19, 2020

Dark data is a hot topic in the field of data management. Many perceive it as scary and aren't sure where to start in making it something of value. To back up, dark data is defined as data collected during business operations that otherwise goes unused. This unmanaged content is difficult to monitor, meaning it's hard to notice when information has been replicated, leaked, tampered with, lost, or stolen. It's easy to understand the ominous nature of the discussion around it.

Posted June 18, 2020

Alation, provider of data catalog software, is partnering with Databricks, provider of a unified analytics platform for data and AI, to help accelerate data science-led innovations. As data teams move to the cloud the new collaboration helps organizations to identify and prioritize mission-critical data for migration and diminish storage redundancies.

Posted June 17, 2020

According to Accenture's ninth annual Cost of Cybercrime study, the number of cyberattacks continues to rise and take more time to resolve. Organizations participating in the study saw an average of 145 attacks in 2018, up from 130 in 2017. The good news in the report was that prioritizing technologies to improve cybersecurity protection can reduce the consequences of attacks and "unlock future economic value as higher levels of trust encourage more business from customers."

Posted June 17, 2020

DBAs have always been central to how organizations manage, store, and use data. First, they were gatekeepers, limiting access to production environments and carefully shepherding database changes through to avoid the risk of data loss or system downtime.

Posted June 16, 2020

Data security is one of the most persistent issues facing federal, state, and local governments as well as commercial enterprises today, and often is one of the most alarming.

Posted June 15, 2020

Today, whether it is company leaders dealing with customer and business concerns or public health experts talking about the COVID-19 pandemic, what you hear again and again is that they are relying heavily on data. And, in this issue we look at the range of data management challenges and opportunities.

Posted May 28, 2020

Powering the next generation of renewable energy with IoT positively impacts running costs, while ensuring that wind power will continue to be both a viable economic solution for energy production for the future and a benefit to the environment.

Posted May 28, 2020

The pandemic is revealing gaps in our critical infrastructure security, supply chain fragility, and utilization of modern technologies to mitigate and recover communities globally. Although advanced technology platforms have been used by large international corporations, the pandemic is exposing the fact that emergency management and public health agencies are behind the curve or underutilizing data science, open source software, and high-performance computing resources.

Posted May 28, 2020

As companies have evolved toward digital business models and undertaken digital transformation initiatives, they have increasingly faced two challenges. First, the data they need to drive their real-time business processes is typically spread across multiple, siloed datastores. Second, their existing applications often cannot scale to address the increase in end-user demands for real-time engagement.

Posted May 28, 2020

A combination of factors is heightening the need for high-quality, well-governed data. These include the need for trustworthy data to support AI and machine learning initiatives, new data privacy and data management regulations, and the appreciation of good data as the fuel for better decision making.

Posted May 28, 2020

For several years, AI has been the enfant terrible of the business world, viewed as a technology full of unconventional and controversial behavior that has shocked, provoked, and enchanted audiences worldwide. That's all going to change. In 2020, AI will grow up, encountering new demands in the areas of responsibility, advocacy, and regulation

Posted May 28, 2020

Even the most ambitious data analytics initiatives tend to get buried by the 80/20 rule—with data analysts or scientists only able to devote 20% of their time to actual business analysis, while the rest is spent simply finding, cleansing, and organizing data. This is unsustainable, as the pressure to deliver insights in a rapid manner is increasing.

Posted May 21, 2020

As companies shop for a cloud-based solution, it's critical to understand that there are some major differences in business practices among cloud software vendors. Some of these practices could have deep impact on the company's overall business operations—costing more time, money, and resources in the end.

Posted May 19, 2020

It is a matter of when, not if, your organization will confront a never-before-seen data source—a source that, if managed improperly, could result in catastrophic consequences to your brand and bottom line. In some cases, that data will be imported from outside your four walls. In others, the data will spring from new business processes or the fertile minds of your employees manipulating existing assets to create altogether new analytic insights,

Posted May 19, 2020

As data sizes have grown over the last decade, so has the amount of time it takes to run ETL processes to support the myriad downstream workloads. A decade ago, most people were only thinking about making their KPI dashboards faster. As time rolled forward, they started to think about getting more intelligent analytics out of their data, and the data sizes quickly grew from gigabytes to terabytes.

Posted May 18, 2020

With a multi-cloud strategy, businesses are finding that they can gain scalability, resiliency, and significant economic savings. However, this approach requires businesses to transition their architecture to a much more complex and decentralized model, which makes managing the security of the entire environment extremely challenging.

Posted April 09, 2020

The amount of data needed for real-time, customer-facing applications is impossible to operationalize when managed through software alone, according to Prasanna Sundararajan, CEO and co-founder of rENIAC.

Posted March 30, 2020

The Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence Act was recently introduced by U.S. Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) with the goal of establishing a 13-member Congressional Commission that will ensure facial recognition does not produce bias or inaccurate results.  Recently, Suraj Amonkar of Fractal Analytics, an AI and analytics company, shared his views on the proposed legislation and the issues it addresses.

Posted March 27, 2020

Competition these days is no longer just about cost or quality; it is about companies offering entirely new digital business models and better customer experiences that are based on insights. How do organizations compete on that basis? They do it by unlocking the various data sources that are imprisoned within IT and business departments, systems, and databases.

Posted March 24, 2020

Pandemics Happen—AI and Machine Learning Can Provide the Cures

Posted March 20, 2020

To democratize data and analytics is to make them available to everyone. It is an admirable goal and one with its roots in the earliest days of the self-service movement. If an organization is to truly be data-driven, it follows that all key decisions—from tactical operational priorities to strategic vision—must be data-informed. So where is democratization going wrong?

Posted March 20, 2020

GPUs fuel AI and machine learning. Initially created for video games, they are used in sports and business analysis by fantasy baseball enthusiasts, oddsmakers, and front office executives who want to enhance their understanding of the hidden value of often obscure players. Other uses of this technology's extreme processing power include the recognition of animals, such as dog breeds or endangered species, to allow biologists to gain a more accurate understanding of species populations in a geographical area.

Posted March 17, 2020

As more and more organizations migrate database management and integration to the cloud, various use cases and best practices are beginning to take shape around the timing, cost, and extent to which workloads are moved.

Posted March 17, 2020

Quantum computing continues to captivate imaginations. The technology takes advantage of quantum mechanics to deliver exponentially faster speeds by being able to process an almost infinite amount of parallel compute threads delivered as qubits and quantum gates. As Jim Clarke, director of quantum hardware for Intel Labs, describes it, "by harnessing quantum mechanics, quantum computing systems promise an unprecedented ability to simulate and analyze natural phenomena, significantly accelerating the ability to process information and answer questions that would require prohibitive amounts of time even for today's supercomputers."

Posted March 17, 2020

There's no question that investing in data systems and infrastructure can make organizations more competitive and allow for new, exciting innovations. This makes every company a data company. But recently, the maxim has come into sharper focus. The big competitive advantage doesn't come from data-at-rest; instead, it comes from streaming data.

Posted March 16, 2020

Improving Database Change: Q&A with Datical's Dion Cornett

Posted March 04, 2020

AI is capturing attention as a transformative technology for enterprises. Fundamental to AI is the use of ontologies, says Seth Earley, CEO of Earley Information Science (EIS), a consulting firm focused on organizing information for business impact. His new book "The AI Powered Enterprise: Harness the Power of Ontologies to Make Your Business Smarter, Faster and More Profitable," due out in April, focuses on the importance of ontologies as a foundation for AI success.

Posted March 02, 2020, the cloud-native data catalog company, has expanded its partnership with Snowflake, the cloud data platform, that includes integration to Snowflake Partner Connect.

Posted February 13, 2020

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is generally available for IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE, reinforcing the agile cloud-native world of containers and Kubernetes with the security features, scalability, and reliability of IBM's enterprise servers.

Posted February 13, 2020

Dun & Bradstreet, a provider of business decisioning data and analytics, is releasing the D&B Analytics Studio. The platform is a secure, cloud-based analytics platform that will provide clients with a single, integrated solution to explore, synthesize, and operationalize data and analytics in order to remain competitive in the era of digital transformation.

Posted February 12, 2020

The Evolving Cloud Picture: Q&A with Steve Daheb, Senior Vice President, Oracle Cloud

Posted February 11, 2020

How CEOs Can Navigate the Muddying Waters of Data Privacy Regulation

Posted December 30, 2019

Making It Measurable—Justifying Investments in Data and Data Quality for AI and Machine Learning

Posted December 30, 2019

Opportunity and Threat: The Intersection of AI and Data Governance

Posted December 23, 2019



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