Big Data Quarterly Articles

As the business value of big data increases, vendors are offering cloud-hosted big data technology, known as big data as a service (BDaaS). Why choose BDaaS instead of on-premises deployments? Do you lack internal IT expertise in big data? Is the upfront cost for a cluster an issue? Or do you not have the luxury of time to build a cluster? These are all important questions when considering BDaaS.

Posted November 13, 2015

With the Hadoop ecosystem expanding rapidly, Hortonworks' Shaun Connolly recently discussed how Hadoop and related technologies are growing and being used, as well as the factors for a successful deployment.

Posted November 13, 2015

A typical organization loses about 5% of its revenues to fraud each year. The total cost of non-health insurance fraud in the U.S. is estimated to be more than $40 billion per year. These numbers stress the importance and need of finding sophisticated tools to both detect and prevent fraud. Big data and analytics offer a new valuable toolkit in the fight against fraud.

Posted November 13, 2015

"Caveat emptor" is Latin for "Let the buyer beware." In the realm of the modern information technology cloud, this sage advice rings especially true.

Posted November 13, 2015

With increased demand for mass customization and personalization, the emergence of Web 2.0, and one-to-one marketing, and the need for better risk management and timely fraud detection, the pressure is on for organizations to improve their ability to extract, understand, and exploit analytical patterns of customer behavior and strategic intelligence.

Posted November 12, 2015

The Big Data Gateway: Your Channel to Data Lake Success

Posted November 05, 2015

New Intel IoT Platform Makes 'Things' Smarter and More Connected

Posted November 05, 2015

Building a database guest image for OpenStack Trove

Posted November 04, 2015

MapR Ships Apache Drill 1.2 in its Hadoop Distribution

Posted October 21, 2015

Citus Data Secures $9.5 Million in Series A Funding for Scaling Out PostgreSQL

Posted October 20, 2015

Splice Machine Unveils Version 1.5 of Hadoop RDBMS with Expanded SQL Compliance

Posted October 20, 2015

Picking IoT Winners

Posted October 13, 2015

It's Always a Good Time for Real Time Data Access

Posted October 13, 2015

MapR Technologies has added native JSON support to the MapR-DB NoSQL database. The in-Hadoop document database will allow developers to quickly deliver scalable applications that also leverage continuous analytics on real-time data. A developer preview of MapR-DB with sample code is available for download and general availability of these new capabilities in MapR-DB will be available in Q4 2015.

Posted October 07, 2015

One of the noticeable changes this year at Strata + Hadoop World 2015 was the rise of Apache Spark, an engine for large scale data processing. In recent months, many companies have extended support to Spark, which can be complementary to Hadoop, but can also be deployed without it.

Posted October 05, 2015

MarkLogic Pushes NoSQL Further Into the Enterprise

Posted September 24, 2015

StreamSets Inc., a company that aims to speed access to enterprise big data, has closed a $12.5 million round of Series A funding. The single biggest barrier to a successful enterprise analytics platform is the effective and efficient ingest of data, the company says.

Posted September 24, 2015

Grasping Hadoop's Full Potential

Posted September 14, 2015

By now, we all know the value of big data analytics. In the 1990s, data mining and business intelligence (BI) efforts were used mostly for after-the-fact reporting and problem solving. The need for these capabilities will always remain, and high levels of confidence and investment in these disciplines will continue. However, the current focus on big data analytics emphasizes predicting and influencing the future, based on real-time analysis of 100% of enterprise data.

Posted September 14, 2015

Big Data 50 - The Top 50 Companies Driving Big Data Innovation

Posted September 09, 2015

Storage Architecture for the Petabyte Era

Posted September 08, 2015

Databricks is enhancing its cloud-based platform to strengthen its security, manageability and ease of application development. According to the vendor, the new features securely manage data access for large teams while streamlining Spark application development and deployment for enterprises dealing with complex and fast-paced environments.

Posted September 02, 2015

Hadoop distribution provider Cloudera has released Cloudera Director 1.5, an integrated solution for deploying and managing enterprise-grade Hadoop in cloud environments that enables deployment flexibility through an open API. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is the first to integrate with the API.

Posted August 12, 2015

Overcoming Today's Big Data Integration Hurdles

Posted August 10, 2015

Faced suddenly with the challenge of quickly extracting valuable consumer data from a massive file for customer acquisition programs, DX Marketing selected Oracle Database Cloud Service and Oracle Marketing Cloud Service to replace its on-premise computing platform.

Posted August 07, 2015

Addressing the need for more big data skills training, Apache Hadoop distribution provider MapR Technologies has announced availability of a complete Apache HBase design and development curriculum on its free Hadoop On-Demand Training program.

Posted August 06, 2015

Unless you have been trapped under an elephant, you have heard a lot about big data. Today, most IT teams are either contemplating a Hadoop strategy or are well under way in the hopes of making data actionable.

Posted August 06, 2015

A typical organization loses 5% of its revenues to fraud each year, and in the U.S. alone the total cost of (non-health) insurance fraud is estimated at more than $40 billion per year, according to Bart Baesens, one of the authors of a new book on data science techniques for fraud detection. While opportunities for fraud are continuously evolving, fraud detection always has the biggest impact if it is done quickly. Fortunately, says Baesens, big data analytics can help to make early fraud detection possible.

Posted August 05, 2015

Predixion, a developer of cloud-based advanced analytics software, is partnering with PLAT.One to deliver predictive insights for IoT applications.

Posted July 30, 2015

The Role of Hybrid and Best-of-Breed Architectures in Big Data Management

Posted July 28, 2015

Continuing its global expansion, CoolaData, which provides a solution that tracks user behavior across all channels and aggregates the data to help monetize the insights, has opened an office in New York. The company's investors include 83North (formerly Greylock IL) and Carmel Ventures.

Posted July 22, 2015

The Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) version 2.3 is now available, with enhancements for user experience for both operators and developers, new security and data governance capabilities, a new cluster monitoring service for support subscription customers.

Posted July 22, 2015

Franz, a supplier of semantic graph database technology, has added patented N-dimensional analysis capabilities to its flagship product AllegroGraph.

Posted July 20, 2015

Kyvos Insights, a big data analytics company, emerged from stealth mode to introduce a solution called Kyvos that it says provides insights from all corporate data, regardless of size and granularity.

Posted July 13, 2015

Responding to a growing need to deliver more data to the right people at the right time, Cloudera and Teradata have announced the Teradata Appliance for Hadoop with Cloudera—the enterprise-ready Hadoop distribution.

Posted July 09, 2015

Graph databases are especially good for managing data about the connections among resources, and they are here to stay as a vital mechanism for managing data. In some enterprises, graph databases are even replacing relational databases as the primary database of record.

Posted July 08, 2015

Putting Big Data & Analytics to Work

Posted June 26, 2015

IBM to Fuel Spread of Apache Spark

Posted June 15, 2015

Accelerating Data Processing for Analytics

Posted June 15, 2015

Syncsort is working with Dell to help businesses improve operational efficiency and lower costs by shifting expensive workloads and associated data from enterprise data warehouses (EDW) to Hadoop.

Posted June 10, 2015

Map R is releasing version 5.0 of the MapR Distribution including Hadoop that will process big and fast data on a single data platform that enables a new class of real-time applications.

Posted June 09, 2015

Unstructured data presents many challenges — it's hard to manage, datasets can be extremely large, and it does not have a pre-defined schema. Still, enterprises and service providers who manage to tame and mine unstructured data will have the ability to drive true business transformation based on the new insights it provides.

Posted June 05, 2015

MapR Technologies, Inc., a provider of a distribution for Apache Hadoop, is including Apache Drill 1.0 in the MapR Distribution.

Posted May 19, 2015

The shortage of skilled talent and data scientists in Western Europe and the U.S. has triggered the question of whether to outsource analytical activities. This need is further amplified by competitive pressure to reduce time to market and lower costs.

Posted May 19, 2015

As the excitement and opportunity provided by big data tools develop, many organizations find their big data initiatives originating outside existing data management policies. As a result, many concepts of formal data governance are either intentionally or unintentionally omitted as these enterprises race to ingest huge new data streams at a feverish pace in the hope of increased insight and new analytic value.

Posted May 19, 2015

Similar to the dot-com revolution, the Internet of Things is the culmination of radical advances in four core technology pillars.

Posted May 19, 2015

Google white papers have inspired many great open source projects. What has been missing until now, however, has been a way of bringing these technologies together such that any data-centric organization can benefit from the capabilities of each technology across its entire data center, and in new ways not documented by any single white paper. This is called the "Zeta Architecture."

Posted May 19, 2015

Business pressures, including cost reduction, scalability, and "just-in-time" application software implementation, are just some of the requirements prompting businesses to "cloudify" at least some aspect of their IT infrastructure.

Posted May 19, 2015

Data-driven companies continue to explore data management technologies that better unify operational, analytical, and other disparate or siloed data in a way that offers tangible business value and data management relief.

Posted May 19, 2015

The demand for effective data management is intensifying. At the same time, the database market has expanded into a wide array of solutions—from traditional relational database management systems to alternative databases such as NoSQL, NewSQL, cloud, and in-memory offerings.

Posted May 19, 2015



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