Big Data Quarterly Articles

MemVerge, provider of Big Memory software, is releasing two new software products, Memory Machine Cloud Edition and Memory Viewer. Memory Machine Cloud Edition software uses patented ZeroIO memory snapshot technology and cloud service orchestration to transparently checkpoint long-running applications and allow customers to safely use low-cost Spot Instances. Over time, Memory Machine Cloud Edition will form the basis of an infrastructure cloud service enabling applications to run across a multi-cloud environment.

Posted August 18, 2022

Like Stephen Hawking's famous musings did for the laws of the universe, everything as a service (XaaS) is about to revolutionize the way you think about the world. Offering benefits like operational agility and efficiency, XaaS will be the business model for every equipment vendor in the future. And it will be big. According to Fortune Business Insights, the global XaaS market is projected to grow $2.3 trillion in 2028.

Posted August 18, 2022

AuditBoard, a cloud-based platform transforming audit, risk, and compliance management, is launching its Third-Party Risk Management solution, breaking down silos and engaging relevant stakeholders inside and outside the organization.

Posted August 17, 2022

Red Hat Inc., a provider of open source solutions, is releasing a new iteration of Red Hat OpenShift Platform Plus, introducing new features and capabilities that go beyond the base Kubernetes platform to encompass storage, management, and more. This further extends Red Hat OpenShift Platform Plus as a singular Kubernetes platform to span the breadth of enterprise IT scenarios, whether a traditional datacenter, distributed edge operations, or multiple public cloud environments.

Posted August 17, 2022

Following the integration and acquisition of several backup and recovery companies and solutions, Jungle Disk is rebranding as CyberFortress—a global company providing managed data backups built to prevent business disruption through rapid recovery. The acquisitions include KeepItSafe, LiveVault, and OffsiteDataSync from J2 Global.

Posted July 13, 2022

MANTA, the data lineage platform, is partnering with IBM to drive data-driven success for enterprise-level customers by providing MANTA's data lineage platform with IBM Cloud Pak for Data to offer businesses historical, indirect, and technical data lineage capabilities. MANTA's automated data lineage platform is designed to provide a line of sight into data environments by building a powerful map of all data flows, sources, transformations, and dependencies to help improve data governance, streamline migration projects, and accelerate incident resolution.

Posted July 13, 2022

DataBank, a leading provider of enterprise-class colocation, interconnection, and managed services, is partnering with Corsa Security, a provider in automating firewall virtualization, to deploy, scale, and optimize its Palo Alto Networks ML-powered VM-Series Virtual Next-Generation Firewalls with speed, simplicity, and savings.

Posted July 13, 2022

Python has become the default language of solving complex data problems due to its ease of use, plethora of domain-specific software libraries, and stellar community and ecosystem. All of these things have led to the emergence of even more new and easier-to-use frameworks that enable users to scale their Python code.

Posted May 16, 2022

Just as the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and Cocoanut Grove fires have had long-term effects on public safety and building regulations and caused the overall cost of doing business to rise, recent cybersecurity breaches will also impact the regulatory system. Technology providers should be prepared to live in a fishbowl where customers will ask very detailed questions about the technology they deploy, the suppliers they use, the insurance they carry, and their internal cybersecurity practices.

Posted May 16, 2022

Microservices architecture is increasingly the technical strategy businesses are using as part of their current transformation projects—breaking down existing monolithic applications into self-contained, independently developed and deployed services. In fact, in a recent O'Reilly study of software engineers and technical professionals, more than three-fifths (61%) of respondents have been using microservices for a year or more. The same report found finance and banking lead the way in using microservices—but many other industries are following suit, including retail/ecommerce, telecom, manufacturing, transportation and logistics, and more.

Posted May 16, 2022

Questioning whether your governance efforts are merely inquisitive? Here are five signs.

Posted May 16, 2022

As data management leaders forge the best path for their data strategy, the rivalry between data mesh and data fabric is often top of mind. The answer is neither one nor the other, but rather the combination of these concepts. The key is understanding their strengths and how to efficiently integrate them into your own company's strategy.

Posted May 16, 2022

The case for increased data automation is clear. "Data teams are spending significant amounts of time on service requests like infrastructure, user provisioning, and incident coordination and communication," said Tina Huang, CTO and founder of Transposit. "Teams today are often manually creating tickets, Slack channels, and Zoom meetings, plus communicating with stakeholders. Data teams must ensure internal customers using data have access to the data they need and real-time updates about interferences with that data." Other tasks ripe for automation include log parsing, correlation, permissions and access, and more.

Posted May 16, 2022

Many organizations are working hard to move to the cloud, but find that with a migration there is also complexity. Recently, Derek Swanson, CTO of Silk, offered advice on what to evaluate to successfully take advantage of all cloud has to offer, the issues to consider when determining what infrastructure will best serve each workload, and the risks of going to the cloud with the wrong strategy.

Posted May 02, 2022

A product-led approach, the hot trend where you deliver your value proposition to customers primarily through your products, could be the next generation of everything-as-a-service (XaaS). Traditionally, most software companies have tended to be sales-led and, therefore, they spend a fair amount of money on mar­keting to fill their sales pipelines. Today, due to several technology trends such as the use of cloud as a delivery mechanism, new sales models have begun to emerge.

Posted May 02, 2022

Recent cyberattacks have made customers aware that every external vendor they use is a link in their supply chain. Supply chains are only as strong as the weakest link and, in the modern era, consolidated vertical industries have very narrow supply chains.

Posted May 02, 2022

Today, all organizations want to be data-driven and empower their users at every level to make more informed decisions. Trifacta, known for its data wrangling tools and software, was recently acquired by Alteryx, a leader in self-service data analytics, for $400 million. Adam Wilson, formerly CEO of Trifacta, and now senior vice president & general manager, Trifacta, at Alteryx, recently reflected on the changing data environment, what customers need to focus on now to be successful, and how the acquisition supports Alteryx's mission.

Posted April 25, 2022

For years, Oracle Exadata has been the hardware/software platform of choice for running Oracle databases—a resource deployed when organizations are looking to simplify digital transformations, increase database performance, and reduce costs. However as enterprises continue their cloud migration, questions arise about how to effectively migrate database workloads off of Oracle's Exadata Database Machine and onto the public cloud. Technology executives sizing up the risk against the often-significant rewards are particularly concerned about database performance, resiliency, and cost.

Posted April 13, 2022

With data increasing at a rapid pace and more companies seeing the need to compete on analytics, there is also more awareness of the essential role of data literacy. As the amount of data created everyday continues to explode, businesses are looking for every advantage they can get to adapt to changing market headwinds

Posted April 07, 2022

It is easy to attribute catastrophic outcomes and insidious, unintended side effects to failures of governance. Or, more often, to a lack of governance. In practice, however, all organizations are governed, either formally or informally. Formal governance involves discretely defined accountability and expectations encoded in principles, policies, and processes. Informally—and more influentially—organizations are governed by the behaviors and norms modeled and rewarded by their leadership and peers.

Posted April 01, 2022

Many organizations still remember the sting of being a victim of the dreaded patent trolls. Patents were granted to encourage, recognize, and reward innovation. Awarding the inventors with a well-defined degree of exclusivity for a period of time improves their chances of both financial reward and the recouping their initial investment.

Posted April 01, 2022

In the world of machine learning (ML), there are a few very important processes which are critical to anyone in the ML space. The first is making sure the data used in machine learning is clean. This topic gets talked about a lot so, while it is very important, let's skip this and move on to the next step. Assuming a clean and complete dataset already exists, the user then proceeds to start training models.

Posted April 01, 2022

With the push to automate increasingly complex data environments, along with a greater need to spur collaboration to deliver more effective and timely analytics capabilities, organizations are turning to DataOps as well as a series of related "Ops" methodologies. Will DataOps—eventually conjoined with DevOps, AIOps, and MLOps—help businesses compete in the digital era? Industry observers point out that these approaches are promising, but a lot of work lies ahead to achieve true collaborative and automated innovation in the data management space.

Posted April 01, 2022

IT executives are struggling to source skills that enable cloud and edge adoption, which has been the largest barrier to deploying cloud-based technologies. To help address the problem, Google announced in October that it will help more than 40 million people build cloud skills. With this pressing issue in mind, Rahul Pradhan, head of cloud products, engineering, Couchbase, recently reflected on the impact the skills shortage is having on DevOps teams, and how organizations can address this issue.

Posted March 31, 2022

Ecosystems are nothing new or revolutionary. What is new is that new waves of digitalization are forcing entities of all sizes and strategies to interact and operate together in an increasingly fast-changing and complex environment. In today's digitally enabled markets, the concept of a social, business ecology, as outlined back in 1985 by organization consultant Peter Drucker, has become a full-blown reality.

Posted March 08, 2022

The most successful organizations view automation as impera­tive to their success. A chief automation officer can serve as a cham­pion at the top that advocates for end-to-end process automa­tion yet knows how to translate business requirements into technical specifications. Rather than relying on a chief information officer or a chief digital officer to spearhead this effort, the narrower scope of a chief automation officer can provide the focus needed to unite all the stakeholders under a common set of goals.

Posted March 08, 2022

DataOps is gaining traction due to its ability to help provide more powerful insights to everyone in an organization—not just CTOs and IT teams. Recently, Geir Engdahl, co-founder and CTO of Cognite, and a former Google senior software engineer, explained why he believes adoption of DataOps has become a business imperative and not just a "nice to have"—especially in the heavy asset and manufacturing space.

Posted March 03, 2022

Databricks has announced the Databricks Lakehouse for Financial Services, an open, modern data platform tailored to customer use cases across the banking, insurance, and capital markets sectors.

Posted February 15, 2022

When building a product or application, most systems designers understand that you can't have it all. Creating a high-performing and scalable system can be a daunting challenge since those considerations are often in opposition to one another—typically high performance in a single machine's memory space or scalable across several servers.

Posted February 14, 2022

Teradata has announced the results of one of the largest-scale cloud analytic tests ever undertaken in the industry. "As critical analytic workloads increasingly move to the cloud, we recognize the need to provide our largest enterprise customers with a single system to manage all of their complex analytics," said Hillary Ashton, chief product officer at Teradata.

Posted February 10, 2022

Wallaroo Labs, a company that helps enterprises deploy, run, and observe ML models in production at scale, has closed $25 million in a Series A round led by Microsoft's venture arm, M12.

Posted February 10, 2022

There's been a lot of hype recently around the concept of a data lakehouse, and for good reason. Essentially, it is a new data management paradigm that combines the capabilities of data warehouses and data lakes, changing the way data teams operate together. This new architecture represents a significant fundamental shift in the way we work with data.

Posted February 08, 2022

The noted motivational speaker and author Zig Ziglar was quoted as saying, "When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there." This sentiment rings truer today than ever. In the past 21 months, companies across every industry have had to alter their "go-to-market" strategies to simply survive. For the local diner, this may have initially meant relying on take-out orders, then finding ways to create outdoor seating areas, and later dealing with the weather inconveniently imposing itself on outdoor patrons. For much of corporate America, changing their company's direction to reach their goals has meant converting traditional workforces to remote employees.

Posted January 18, 2022

The roots of open source go back to the original pioneers of the computer revolution. Early pioneers of computing at organizations such as Bell Labs and MIT held a belief that sharing program code was essential to the progression of computer technology.

Posted January 17, 2022

The ultimate goal of almost all enterprise technology is to automate manual activities into digital processes. BPM (business process management) and workflow systems have been used for decades, and, under the cover of most business applications, sit complex process, task, and workflow management. It is hard to define the sheer scale and breadth of process automation other than to say that it is pervasive. Indeed, although industry analysts love to slice and dice technologies into quadrant and wave silos, doing so with process automation technology is difficult and often, though not deliberately, misleading.

Posted January 17, 2022

Organizations, public and private, are codifying principles, regulations are emerging, and standards are proliferating.

Posted December 22, 2021

Graph databases are powerful new tools for managing and analyzing heterogeneous data across the enterprise. Most importantly, organizations are beginning tounderstand the specific use cases that graph databases solve well.

Posted December 15, 2021

With the combination of the PyData community and commercial software offerings (especially those accelerating Python's foundational components), as well as all the startups building solutions, there is a lot of momentum propelling Python forward.

Posted December 15, 2021

There are some words that you have never heard of and when you hear them for the first time—bam! From that instant, you hear them every day and read them everywhere. "Metaverse" is such a word. Today, the metaverse, long seen as a futuristic dream, is quickly becoming a reality. What it will become remains to be seen.

Posted December 15, 2021

The amount of data we use and manage doubles annually, and performing analytics on that data can uncover heretofore unknown insights that lead to competitive advantage.

Posted December 15, 2021

With heightened pressure to compete on analytics, the purpose and role of data architecture is coming into clearer focus to meet business operating necessities. Recently, John O'Brien, CEO and principal advisor of Radiant Advisors, talked with BDQ about the principles of a resilient enterprise data architecture and the enabling methodologies and technologies.

Posted November 11, 2021

Now is the time to put better strategies around edge implementations so they fit more safely and easily into the wider enterprise environment.

Posted November 11, 2021

In the rush to bring AI and data solutions to bear, don't guess and don't just ask, "Why?"; also ask, "Why not?" Consider why this application might not be a good idea, may not lead to our intended outcome, might not be well-received, and might not safeguard human dignity and liberties.

Posted September 27, 2021

The pandemic has shown clearly that the risk of doing nothing in digital is exceeding the risk of doing something. Now is the time to seize the opportunity to become the next digital rainmaker.

Posted September 27, 2021

Unlike their historical ancestors who carried out their acts during a violent war, these pirates of the information superhighway hone their skills so that they can attack remotely when war is imminent or whenever else they wish. They can use these cyberskills to disrupt key infrastructure such as a gas pipeline, a hospital, or other critical facets of an ever-narrowing and fragile supply chain. While they do not carry letters of marque, we know many are state-sponsored.

Posted September 27, 2021

The amount of data associated with networks is massive, especially when compared to the percentage of traffic that is actually malicious. There is just too much data to analyze in a single day, and this problem is compounded on a daily basis. Threat tactics are constantly changing, with events occurring at a higher frequency, which is forcing the network security industry to prepare for and react to any questionable situation. To make matters worse, cybersecurity specialists are in very high demand, and there is a limited pool of talent from which to draw.

Posted September 27, 2021

Today's data-driven organizations demand capabilities that adapt to the enterprise and open new paths of innovation to business users. Achieving leadership in today's economy requires identifying and preparing for the emerging technologies and methodologies that deliver transformation.

Posted September 27, 2021

Today, organizations need data-driven insights to advance decision making at all levels and digital transformation is a key component of those efforts. Supporting data-driven insights and digital transformation takes an ever-growing range of services, products, and tools from forward-thinking companies that are working to help their customers deliver the right insights to the right people at the right time.

Posted September 08, 2021

In the quest for digital transformation and the use of data to become "data-driven," data quality is taking on even greater importance than it ever has before. Recently, Tyler Warden, senior vice president, product and engineering, Syniti, shared his insights on how organizations can improve the quality of their data and, as a result, enable more informed decision making.

Posted August 24, 2021

Lynda Partner, senior vice president for products and offerings at Pythian, spoke at Data Summit Connect earlier this year about how to accelerate value with machine learning. In this interview with BDQ, Partner continues the conversation and highlights how to select the right use cases for ML, avoid mistakes, and manage an ML project once it becomes a reality.

Posted August 04, 2021



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