
NoSQL Central

The four main categories of NoSQL or Not-Only SQL Database systems are gaining popularity for Big Data, Web and Specialized applications. Key-Value Stores enable the storage of unstructured or schemaless data, aligned as a key and actual data; Column-Family databases, store

NoSQL Central Articles

Modern BI tools present vast opportunities for organizations, allowing businesses to unearth new insights, efficiencies, and innovations, and become more proactive in carrying out daily operations. According to experts in this space, BI is prime for a paradigm shift in 2021. Here IT leaders predict key changes they see shaping up for BI in 2021.

Posted January 04, 2021

Platform9, provider of open-source SaaS managed solutions for private and edge clouds, is releasing Platform9 Managed Bare Metal, allowing IT teams to transform their installed physical servers into bare metal clouds, leveraging the API-driven automation and simplicity of Platform9's SaaS managed experience and bare metal controller.

Posted December 23, 2020

MariaDB Corporation announced the certification and immediate availability of the MariaDB Direct Query Adapter in Microsoft Power BI. MariaDB and Microsoft worked together on the integration, giving Power BI users access to data analysis and visualization of live data in MariaDB Platform on-prem or in the cloud through MariaDB SkySQL.

Posted December 22, 2020

NTT Corporation and SAP SE are forming a strategic alliance that creates a holistic partnership in which both companies serve as each other's customers, suppliers, and co-innovators. The deeper relationship enables SAP and NTT to leverage their best capabilities and expertise to deliver solutions that help companies transform into intelligent enterprises.

Posted December 16, 2020

Software intelligence company Dynatrace is expanding its partnership with SAP, positioning Dynatrace as a strategic observability partner for SAP Commerce Cloud. This means Dynatrace's digital experience monitoring capabilities, including real user monitoring and synthetic monitoring, and precise answers from its AI-engine, Davis, are now available for SAP Commerce Cloud, digital experience monitoring, which customers can subscribe to via the online SAP Store.

Posted December 16, 2020

Due to the advent of client/server computing in the 1990s, then internet and web-connectivity driving development, and the more recent growth of NoSQL databases, we are now manag­ing more types of data on more platforms than we ever have before. And that means that managing data is a lot more complex. This also means that DBAs need to possess exper­tise in cross-platform management and administra­tion.

Posted December 14, 2020

This may be the era of the data-driven enterprise, but only a handful of organizations report they are ready for it. There is a growing volume of "dark data" that remains obscure to IT managers and decision makers. This period unfolding before us will be driven by several technology initiatives, from 5G wireless and IoT to AI.

Posted December 10, 2020

Data management and integration demands continue to increase as organizations are faced with more data flowing in from a greater variety sources than ever before. At the same time, there is the need to extract business value, protect, and offer wider access to that data for more users. Today, being data-driven is the goal of all companies, whether long established or born digital.

Posted December 09, 2020

Apollo GraphQL, a pioneer in the use of GraphQL API technologies for modern application development, has announced the general availability of Development Graphs—a free cloud offering that allows developers around the world to access Apollo's Studio tools, such as Apollo Explorer, with any server. 

Posted December 07, 2020

Now, more than ever, enterprises need speed, agility, and insight to navigate today's rapidly-changing business environments. Fast, actionable intelligence is a universal goal. However, making the right data available to the right people at the right time is an ongoing challenge. DBTA recently held a webinar with John O'Brien, principal analyst and CEO, Radiant Advisors and David Dichmann, director, product marketing, data warehouse, Cloudera, who discussed the three necessities for a modern analytics ecosystem today.

Posted December 07, 2020

Talend, a global leader in data integration and integrity, is expanding its partnership with Snowflake, provider of the Data Cloud through Snowflake Partner Connect. The platform offers Snowflake customers a two-week trial through which they can experience Talend Data Fabric, including the recently announced Talend Trust Score that enables companies to easily assess and improve data reliability in their cloud environment. 

Posted December 03, 2020

Gravitational, a pioneer in environment-free computing, is rebranding as Teleport, following the release of a new product—Teleport Unified Access Plane. The decision to move forward with Teleport as the company's namesake, also the name of its premier product, is deeply rooted in the company's mission and long-term vision—to give engineers the freedom to do computing anywhere, in any environment and with total trust.

Posted November 24, 2020

Open source databases like MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, PostgreSQL and others have gained wide adoption in recent years. However, not all companies know if open source is right for them or how to migrate their workloads over. DBTA recently held a webinar with Joe McKendrick, research analyst, Unisphere, and Nihal Mirashi, principal product marketing manager, Pure Storage, who discussed why storage matters and the consequences of mismatched storage options, along with how modern storage can maximize application performance and scalability.

Posted November 18, 2020

Google Cloud announced its serverless Database Migration Service (DMS) is available in Preview, enabling customers to migrate MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server databases to Cloud SQL from on-premises environments or other clouds. Database Migration Service provides a guided experience to make it easy to create and run migration jobs.

Posted November 12, 2020

Splice Machine, a scale-out SQL database with built-in machine learning, is releasing Livewire, its new open source Operational AI platform for industrial IoT use cases.

Posted November 09, 2020

Videos of presentations from Data Summit Connect Fall 2020, a 3-day series of data management and analytics webinars presented last week by DBTA and Big Data Quarterly, are now available for on-demand viewing on the DBTA YouTube channel. Use this opportunity to take another look, catch up on a session you missed, or share with a colleague!

Posted November 04, 2020

StorCentric, a global provider of data management solutions, is launching its Data Mobility Suite (DMS), the first StorCentric branded software solution, enabling data migration, replication, and synchronization across mixed deployments. DMS empowers customers to eliminate data silos and move data to the platform and/or environment best suited to meet their IT, business, and budgetary requirements, thereby dramatically simplifying data management while ensuring maximum ROI on all current and future storage investments, according to the vendor.

Posted October 29, 2020

At Data Summit Connect Fall 2020, data management expert Craig S. Mullins delivered a presentation titled, "The Changing Requirements of Database Administration."  Mullins, who is president and principal consultant of Mullins Consulting, an IBM Gold Consultant, and a longtime DBTA columnist, looked at the industry trends and issues that are impacting DBAs and fundamentally transforming the duties associated with their jobs. Mullins was joined in the session by John Pocknell, senior market strategist, database solutions at Quest, whose presentation titled, "Tools for a Cross-Platform DBA," covered tools for monitoring and management.

Posted October 29, 2020

OpenLegacy, a pioneer in digital-driven integration for legacy and core systems, is creating an OEM Partner Program in support of independent software vendors (ISVs) and solution providers. Companies looking to expand their product line and footprint to reach and integrate their enterprise customers' legacy data sources will benefit the most from this program.

Posted October 28, 2020

MemSQL, The Database of Now for operational analytics and cloud-native applications, is rebranding to SingleStore, befitting the organization's expansive value proposition. SingleStore provides a converged data platform for transactions and analytics, which organizations can use to process and analyze their most important time-critical application workloads.

Posted October 27, 2020

YottaDB, the database for transactional systems, is releasing production-grade Octo 1.0, a YottaDB plugin to query YottaDB application data using popular SQL tools. YottaDB excels for transactional systems, where data integrity and application robustness are paramount—applications that effect database state change to provide mission-critical functionality, such as electronic health record systems, core banking systems, library systems, and election systems.

Posted October 21, 2020

Hasura, the data access infrastructure company, is adding GraphQL support for MySQL and early access support for SQL Server to its existing support for PostgreSQL, enabling the company to support three of the most popular database technologies.

Posted October 21, 2020

MongoDB, provider of a general purpose database platform, has announced the general availability of multi-cloud clusters for its global cloud database, MongoDB Atlas. This enables customers to deploy a fully managed, distributed database across Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure simultaneously without the added operational complexity of managing data replication and migration across clouds.

Posted October 20, 2020

OpenStack Foundation has announced it will be changing its corporate name to Open Infrastructure Foundation (OIF) starting in 2021, reflecting the organization's broader commitment and valuable expertise in driving innovations in open source. OIF's goal is to build an open infrastructure for the next decade by solving infrastructure issues raised by continuing demands in new markets.

Posted October 20, 2020

Data Summit Connect Fall 2020, a series of data management and analytics webinars presented by DBTA and Big Data Quarterly, is going on this week. Whether your interests lie in the technical possibilities and challenges of new and emerging technologies or using the wealth of data your company is collecting for business intelligence, analytics, and other business strategies, Data Summit Connect Fall 2020 has something for you!

Posted October 20, 2020

MarkLogic, a provider of enterprise data integration and data management solutions, is being acquired by Vector Capital, a private equity firm specializing in transformational investments in established technology businesses. "Vector Capital's collaborative approach and proven track record of building and scaling enterprise cloud and SaaS businesses will be instrumental to MarkLogic as we continue to innovate and expand. I am proud of what our highly skilled team has achieved in solving some of the world's most complex data challenges at many of the largest and most complex companies and government organizations in the world," said Gary Bloom, MarkLogic's CEO. The proposed transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2020.

Posted October 09, 2020

Both data warehouses and data lakes offer robust options for ensuring that data is well-managed and prepped for today's analytics requirements. However, the two environments have distinctly different roles, and data managers need to understand how to leverage the strengths of each to make the most of the data feeding into analytics systems.

Posted October 08, 2020

From data lakes and data warehouses to hybrid and multicloud environments, the world of analytics continues to evolve to meet growing demands for fast, easy, and wide-ranging data access. In a recent survey of DBTA subscribers, 20% indicated plans to move their analytics to the cloud with another 27% considering this idea. At the same time, concerns about security, governance and performance linger, and there are other success factors to consider, including the strengths and weaknesses of different cloud providers and integration scenarios.

Posted September 30, 2020

Matillion, the leading provider of data transformation for cloud data warehouses (CDWs),is releasing its free data ingestion tool, Matillion Data Loader, within Snowflake, the cloud data platform, through Snowflake's Partner Connect. Matillion Data Loader enables companies to easily load data into Snowflake from popular data sources including Microsoft SQL Server, Salesforce, Google Analytics, Marketo, and more.

Posted September 23, 2020

Crunchy Data, a provider of trusted open source PostgreSQL, is releasing Crunchy Bridge, a fully managed cloud Postgres service available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. According to the vendor, Crunchy Bridge was developed to fill the need of a more sophisticated, fully-managed, database service and focuses on bringing the power of Postgres, an advanced open source database, to all developers.

Posted September 18, 2020

Cloudian will offer fully native S3-compatible object storage software for VMware Cloud Foundation with VMware Tanzu. Through the new VMware vSAN Data Persistence platform, Cloudian will enable users to modernize their data centers to run any applications at any scale.

Posted September 16, 2020

Aerospike Inc., a provider of next-generation, real-time NoSQL data solutions, is making upgrades and expansions to the Aerospike Connect product line, allowing Aerospike Database 5 to be even more plug-compatible with the enterprise data fabric that powers modern real-time data-driven applications.

Posted September 15, 2020, a provider of Enterprise Data Operations and Orchestration (EDO2) systems, is making  a significant update to its flagship offering, Infoworks DataFoundry, extending data source connectivity to support over 190 different source types. Infoworks customers can now use DataFoundry's enterprise-grade automation to onboard data quickly and easily into the cloud from practically any data source.

Posted September 14, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has presented some new hurdles—but they are ones that many innovative companies are actively working to overcome. Forward-looking companies aren't sitting the year out waiting for the business climate to improve. They are actively seeking ways to expand their reach and take advantage of new opportunities.

Posted September 10, 2020

DataStax is releasing Storage-Attached Indexing (SAI), fundamentally advancing indexing in Apache Cassandra. Storage-Attached Indexing is a highly scalable, globally-distributed index for Apache Cassandra available on Astra and DataStax Enterprise (DSE).

Posted September 10, 2020

Dgraph, creators of an advanced graph database, is launching Slash GraphQL, a fully managed GraphQL backend service. "Slash GraphQL takes away the work of building a fast and scalable GraphQL backend," said Manish Jain, CEO and founder at Dgraph.

Posted September 10, 2020

MongoDB has worked hard over the past few years to improve the security of its flagship MongoDB database server. It desperately needed to do this because MongoDB has been subjected to more high-profile attacks than any other database platform.

Posted September 09, 2020

In a continued effort to help the MultiValue community evolve their applications using free industry standard tools, Zumasys is sharing a 4-part hands-on video tutorial on the PICK MultiValue GitHub repository (a public, open source community for PICK BASIC and PICK BASIC-related projects).

Posted September 09, 2020

Hazelcast, a leading open source in-memory computing platform, is introducing a new major feature and a number of enhancements to its in-memory data grid (IMDG), Hazelcast IMDG. Among the updates are preview support for managing distributed data using SQL, out-of-the-box support for Kerberos, additional tuning options for Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Modules, and quicker cluster rebalancing.

Posted September 09, 2020

The database world is in tumult these days. There are new requirements and new capabilities that organizations are adopting and integrating into their data persistence infrastructure all the time. The world is no longer relational/SQL-only. Organizations are adopting NoSQL database systems to support specific use cases and types of workloads. This is increasing the complexity of how data is managed. But it is not just NoSQL that is driving organizations to run multiple DBMSs. Many organizations have more than one relational DBMS. They may run Db2 on the mainframe and Linux, Oracle on UNIX, and SQL Server on Windows, and perhaps have a few MySQL instances, too. And DBAs are managing a lot of different database instances.

Posted September 08, 2020

Oracle has introduced the availability of Autonomous JSON Database—a new developer-friendly database service. Autonomous JSON Database stores JSON documents in a native tree-oriented binary format. This native JSON format is optimized for fast reads and partial updates. The result is a document database providing low latency CRUD operations and full ACID consistency; native document API for application development and full SQL support for applications; native JSON storage and scalable, parallel, in-memory query optimizations. 

Posted September 02, 2020

Domino Data Lab, provider an open enterprise data science management platform, is releasing Domino 4.3, adding support for the Red Hat OpenShift distribution of Kubernetes and improving model monitoring capabilities. Domino offers a data science management platform that centralizes predictive analytics and machine learning (ML) research and development based on an open ecosystem that lets data scientists choose their preferred tools and algorithms while reducing the burden on IT.  

Posted September 01, 2020

