
NoSQL Central

The four main categories of NoSQL or Not-Only SQL Database systems are gaining popularity for Big Data, Web and Specialized applications. Key-Value Stores enable the storage of unstructured or schemaless data, aligned as a key and actual data; Column-Family databases, store

NoSQL Central Articles

MongoDB has announced an expansion of a multi-year strategic collaboration agreement (SCA) with Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). Under this 6-year agreement, MongoDB and AWS have committed to a broad range of initiatives to make it easier for joint customers to advance their cloud adoption journey, including integrated go-to-market activities across sales and marketing, developer enablement and training through shared developer relations activities, and both technology integrations and commercial incentives to streamline the migration of on-premises workloads to MongoDB Atlas on AWS.

Posted March 16, 2022

MongoDB initially gained traction as a backend for web applications, in which it was mostly concerned with so-called "CRUD" operations—creating, reading, updating, and deleting documents. Since then, MongoDB has broadened its capabilities remarkably, but it is still typically deployed as an operational database rather than as an analytic DB or data warehouse.

Posted March 11, 2022

Major technology trends are reshaping the DBA role at many organizations. The size and complexity of database environments continues to grow with higher data volumes, more workloads, and an increasing rate of database deployments that need to be managed. To help IT decision makers and database professionals tackle these changes, challenges, and opportunities, DBTA recently held a special roundtable webinar with Kathryn Sizemore, senior MySQL/MariaDB database administrator, Datavail and Devin Gallagher, senior sales engineer, IDERA.

Posted March 11, 2022

Each year, Data Summit features industry-leading experts covering the topics that matter most for data professionals who want to stay on top of the latest technologies and strategies. The conference program is now available for review, and a variety of pass options are being offered, including special pricing for attendees who register early.

Posted March 11, 2022

At a time when business agility is as important as ever, new technology trends in DevOps, cloud, automation, and data management are increasingly merging as organizations look to streamline complex processes and increase the time-to-value of new initiatives. This agile journey is about removing the barriers between the business and its customers, as well as its data and employees, to accelerate the delivery of business value.

Posted March 09, 2022

In early November 2021, Microsoft announced the private preview of its flagship database product, SQL Server 2022. At some point in 2022, we will see SQL Server 2022 released as a general availability (GA) product, but the specific release date has not yet been disclosed. We can expect to see a variety of the announced features in the next major release deployed to Azure SQL customers. Microsoft has a long history of deploying new features to the Azure cloud far in advance of the on-prem products.

Posted March 09, 2022

The old Chinese expression "May you live in interesting times" has never been more applicable in my lifetime than in 2020 and 2021. The global pandemic combined periods of great anxiety with long stretches of mind-numbing lockdown boredom. But it certainly kept our attention!

Posted March 09, 2022

The costs of downtime—even for a minute—are simply too steep for today's digitally evolving enterprises to tolerate. As part of their efforts to keep expensive downtime at bay—and ensure the continued viability and availability of data—data managers are increasingly turning to strategies such as automation and cloud services. Still, they continue to have difficulties and acknowledge that keeping their data environments up-to-date is holding them back from delivering more capabilities to their organizations.

Posted March 07, 2022

As an industry, we've been talking about the promise of data lakes for more than a decade. It's a fantastic concept—to put an end to data silos with a single repos­itory for big data analytics. Imagine having a singular place to house all your data for analytics to support product-led growth and business insight.

Posted February 24, 2022

Couchbase, Inc., provider of a modern database for enterprise applications, is releasing Couchbase Mobile 3, an edge-ready data platform that empowers mobile developers and edge architects to build fully native, modern applications anywhere with the framework or platform of their choice.

Posted February 23, 2022

Data management has never been so unfettered—and yet so complicated at the same time. An emerging generation of tools and platforms is helping enterprises to get more value from their data than ever. These solutions now support and automate a large swath of structural activities, from data ingestion to storage, and also enhance business-focused operations such as advanced analytics, AI, machine learning, and continuous real-time intelligence.

Posted February 22, 2022

Oracle has announced the general availability of a new API for Autonomous JSON Database—the Oracle Database API for MongoDB. The announcement was made in an Oracle Database Insider blog post by Roger Ford, principal product manager, Oracle.

Posted February 16, 2022

It's time to submit nominations for the annual Database Trends and Applications Readers' Choice Awards, a competition in which the winning information management solutions, products, and services are selected by you, the users.

Posted February 09, 2022

TigerGraph, provider of a graph analytics platform, has launched "Graph for All Million Dollar Challenge," a global search for innovative ways to harness the power of graph technology and machine learning to solve real world problems. The challenge seeks to bring together brilliant minds to build innovative solutions to better our future with one question: How will you change the world with graph? 

Posted February 09, 2022

Most database administrators know database servers didn't initially come in a cloud or cluster. Once upon a time, DBAs had to reconfigure disk files and handle data manually. Now, with virtualization and the shift toward the cloud, the evolution of database administration yields more opportunities to automate tasks and fewer reasons for DBAs to get their hands dirty.

Posted February 08, 2022

Folks relate to physical tables; even the most non-relational-minded person can picture a fixed structure file and equate that to a table and its columns. The spreadsheet image is ubiquitous. DBMS-defined views are logically similar to tablesand in usage are certainly interchangeable with tables.

Posted February 08, 2022

It can get complicated trying to decipher what is actually offered by DBMSs that market themselves as multi-model. Which models? Delivered how? But using a DBMS that supports more than one model can provide a simpler, easier-to-support environment.

Posted February 08, 2022

Aqua Security, the pure-play cloud native security provider, is adding a variety of key features to its Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP), helping time-strapped security, DevOps, and IT practitioners to assess their cloud native security risks and respond to attacks in real-time.

Posted February 04, 2022

Directus, a software company democratizing the future of data management, is releasing Directus 9, an Open Data Platform that can power any data driven app or digital experience. With a new codebase built on Node.js and Vue.js 3, Directus 9 achieves  higher performance than previous versions for near-instant SQL query responses, whether browsing vast datasets in the Directus app or performing deeply nested relational API requests, according to the vendor.

Posted February 02, 2022

Franz Inc., a supplier of graph database technology, has announced Gruff 8.1, a knowledge graph visualization software tool that can be embedded in any web page or web application. Users can now visually build queries and visualize connections between enterprise data directly within a web page or web application, enabling a simple and seamless knowledge discovery experience.

Posted February 02, 2022

Aerospike has announced the availability of Aerospike Kubernetes Operator 2.0. According to Aerospike, the Operator provides a solid base for automation when deploying and managing the Aerospike database on Kubernetes platforms, both in the public cloud (AKS, EKS, and GKE) and on-prem.

Posted January 27, 2022

The noted motivational speaker and author Zig Ziglar was quoted as saying, "When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there." This sentiment rings truer today than ever. In the past 21 months, companies across every industry have had to alter their "go-to-market" strategies to simply survive. For the local diner, this may have initially meant relying on take-out orders, then finding ways to create outdoor seating areas, and later dealing with the weather inconveniently imposing itself on outdoor patrons. For much of corporate America, changing their company's direction to reach their goals has meant converting traditional workforces to remote employees.

Posted January 18, 2022

The ultimate goal of almost all enterprise technology is to automate manual activities into digital processes. BPM (business process management) and workflow systems have been used for decades, and, under the cover of most business applications, sit complex process, task, and workflow management. It is hard to define the sheer scale and breadth of process automation other than to say that it is pervasive. Indeed, although industry analysts love to slice and dice technologies into quadrant and wave silos, doing so with process automation technology is difficult and often, though not deliberately, misleading.

Posted January 17, 2022

From data warehouses to data lakes, there is a growing array of choices when it comes to cloud platforms, deployment models, and features. At the same time, challenges remain, including data integration and governance, performance, and management and monitoring. DBTA held a roundtable webinar featuring Anand Rao, director, product marketing, Qlik; Lewis Carr, senior director, product marketing, Actian; and Thomas Hazel, founder, CTO, and chief scientist, ChaosSearch, who discussed key solutions and best practices for succeeding with modern analytics today.

Posted January 17, 2022

Combining all your data from disparate sources is the first step in turning it into business value, according to Informatica. The company recently held a special webinar focused on leading trends in modern data architecture and integration. Part of the "Back to Basics Webinars: Data Integration" series, Makesh Renganathan, principal product manager, R&D cloud, Informatica, and John O'Brien, principal advisor and CEO, Radiant Advisors, discussed what's next in XOps (DataOps, MLOps, etc.), the impact of data fabric, autonomous data integration and serverless processing, and more.

Posted January 12, 2022

The ability to create connected datasets is becoming one of the biggest competitive differentiators in enterprise operations. But with the rapid growth of the API economy and SaaS applications, this is easier said than done. Today's data teams must find an alternative to the limited selection of third-party connectors or the maintenance burdens of self-hosted solutions.

Posted January 03, 2022

The design of a schema in MongoDB is just as important as it is in RDBMS.  Indeed, schema design can be even more complicated in MongoDB. At least in SQL databases, we have the "first normal form" representing the starting point for a well-designed first cut data model. In MongoDB, we have more choices, but as a consequence, we have more potential pitfalls.

Posted January 03, 2022

Over the past year, enterprise digital transformation efforts have accelerated dramatically with a substantial focus on not only how data is managed and stored, but how data is leveraged to deliver business insights. DataOps continues to gain a foothold at organizations hungry for speed, agility, and innovation. The adoption of machine learning and complementary technologies, such as knowledge graphs, is on the rise.

Posted December 20, 2021

Redgate Software, a provider of Database DevOps solutions, is joining other business software providers such as Microsoft, Sage, and Adobe, in moving to a subscription-first model. From January 2022, the majority of its product portfolio will be offered on a subscription-first basis, rather than solely under a perpetual license agreement.

Posted December 16, 2021

The Data Summit conference focuses on the business and technical aspects of Big Data, Data Management, DevOps, Data Management, AI, Machine Learning, and the ramifications of working in a data-driven environment.

Posted December 15, 2021

Organizations that use MySQL or MariaDB databases for business-critical functions may struggle with direct attached storage (DAS) limitations for these deployments. Typically these platforms can accelerate access to data, increase business agility, and deliver business breakthroughs.

Posted December 15, 2021

The importance of leveraging data quickly and effectively is a message that has come through loud and clear in recent years—and with increasing intensity since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether it is anticipating supply chain problems, addressing customer concerns with agility, or identifying new opportunities and pouncing quickly, the ability to achieve a comprehensive view of all available information for real-time decision making has become a strong theme. To help make the process of identifying useful products and services easier, here, DBTA presents a list of Trend-Setting Products for 2022.

Posted December 08, 2021

AI and machine learning are continuing their upward trajectory at companies already pushed to the limit from COVID-19 transformation and disruption. However, experts say that as businesses look to leverage AI for a growing number of increasingly sophisticated applications, they need to take a more data-centric approach to development.

Posted December 06, 2021

The open source enterprise-class database with data immutability at scale, immudb, can now be deployed in cluster configurations for demanding applications that require high scalabilityand high availability. Codenotary's immudb 1.1 update also enables databases to use Amazon's S3 storage cloud so they will never run out of disk space.

Posted December 01, 2021

MarkLogic, the provider of a data management platform that runs on a NoSQL foundation and a portfolio company of Vector Capital, has acquired Smartlogic, a metadata management solutions and semantic AI technology provider. As part of the transaction, Smartlogic's founder and CEO, Jeremy Bentley, as well as other members of the senior management team, will join the MarkLogic executive team.

Posted November 23, 2021

PlanetScale, the serverless database powered by Vitess and MySQL, is releasing its enterprise platform to the public, announced as a private beta in May 2021, allowing users to create PlanetScale's cloud database in seconds and grow as its users' needs grow, with no limitations on scalability.

Posted November 23, 2021, an open source observability platform for modern DevOps teams, is making updates to its observability platform, introducing a combination of capabilities including Unified Dashboards, Anomaly Detection, Service Performance Monitoring, and Security Event Management, supported by further adoption of OpenSearch.

Posted November 19, 2021

With heightened pressure to compete on analytics, the purpose and role of data architecture is coming into clearer focus to meet business operating necessities. Recently, John O'Brien, CEO and principal advisor of Radiant Advisors, talked with BDQ about the principles of a resilient enterprise data architecture and the enabling methodologies and technologies.

Posted November 11, 2021

Talend, a global leader in data integration and data integrity, is introducing its Fall '21 release, offering new service, product, and packaging innovations. With this release, Talend applies data health concepts across its platform to help everyone from business leaders to data professionals realize value from their data quickly.

Posted November 04, 2021

