
NoSQL Central

The four main categories of NoSQL or Not-Only SQL Database systems are gaining popularity for Big Data, Web and Specialized applications. Key-Value Stores enable the storage of unstructured or schemaless data, aligned as a key and actual data; Column-Family databases, store

NoSQL Central Articles

New tools and technologies are becoming established in enterprises, helping organizations extract more value from data. Recently, industry experts weighed in on the trends that loom large in the future and those that appear to be waning.

Posted September 18, 2018

Qlik is releasing two new big data offerings - the latest version of the Podium Data product and the initial release of Qlik's Associative Big Data Index available this month. With these latest releases, Qlik continues to streamline the enterprise data journey from raw data source to end user insights.

Posted September 17, 2018

Alation Inc., the data catalog company, and First San Francisco Partners, a business advisory and information management consultancy, are entering a strategic partnership to meet the needs of Chief Data Officers (CDOs). The partnership will focus on delivering new, field-tested methodologies for agile and modern data governance, made possible by data catalog technology.

Posted September 06, 2018

IDERA, a provider of database productivity tools, is releasing SQL Diagnostic Manager with the new SQL Query Tuner, optimizing SQL queries and indexes for SQL Server. The release also adds MySQL support to its flagship SQL performance monitoring capabilities.

Posted September 05, 2018

The MongoDB 4.0 release introduced multi-document transactions to the popular open source NoSQL DB.  The lack of a transactional capability has been a key limiting factor in MongoDB uptake, so it's not surprising that the company, it's users and the technology press have been enthusiastic about this latest release. However, it's worth remembering that the transactional capabilities of MongoDB have been commonplace for many decades.

Posted September 04, 2018

Everyone wants to be part of a data-driven enterprise, and for good reason. Data analytics, when applied in a meaningful way, provides an enormous competitive advantage. There's a catch to this though that frequently gets overlooked amidst the glowing analyst projections and keynote speeches about a limitless future in which systems and machines do all the heavy lifting and thinking for businesses. Data—the right kind, in the right sequence, in the right context—doesn't just magically drop out of the cloud. It needs to be discovered, identified, transformed, and brought together for analysis, management, and eventual storage.

Posted September 04, 2018

Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an company, unveiled Amazon Aurora Serverless., a new deployment option for Amazon Aurora that automatically starts, scales, and shuts down database capacity with per-second billing for applications with less predictable usage patterns. Amazon Aurora Serverless offers database capacity without the need to provision, scale, and manage any servers.

Posted August 30, 2018

Alteryx is updating its analytics platform (2018.3), introducing new features that will enhance how users prepare, analyze, share and collaborate on data across the organization. The update reveals a new tool called Visualytics that will provide real-time, interactive visualizations across the Alteryx platform, enabling any data worker in an organization to easily visualize and understand their data throughout the entire analytics workflow, generating data-driven insights.

Posted August 29, 2018

EnterpriseDB, developer of a Postgres-based database platform, is releasing the beta version of its EDB Postgres Migration Portal, an automated online tool for moving Oracle databases to the EDB Postgres Platform.

Posted August 13, 2018

Alation Inc., the data catalog company, is launching the Alation Partner Program which will be dedicated to the successful enterprise-wide deployment of data catalogs. One focus of the partner program is fulfilling the needs of customers to achieve success with enterprise-wide metadata management.

Posted August 09, 2018

In the big data world of today, issues abound. People discuss structured data versus unstructured data; graph versus JSON versus columnar data stores; even batch processing versus streaming. Differences between each of these kinds of things are important. How they are used can help direct how best to store content for use. Therefore, deep understanding of usage is critical in determining the flavor of data persistence employed.

Posted August 08, 2018

We are living in the age of polyglot persistence, which really just means that it makes sense to store data using the technology that best matches the way the data will be used by applications. The age of trying to force everything into a relational DBMS is over, and we now have NoSQL, NewSQL, in-memory, and Hadoop-based offerings that are being used to store data. But you really should also be looking at the algorithmic approach offered by Ancelus Database.

Posted August 08, 2018

This year is an expansive one for the database ecosystems that have evolved around the major platforms. Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing are now mainstream offerings seen within the constellations of database vendors, partners, and integrators.

Posted August 08, 2018

Addressing the need to store and manage increasingly large amounts of data that does not fit neatly in rows and columns, NoSQL databases can run on commodity hardware, support the unstructured, non-relational data flowing into organizations from the proliferation of new sources, and are available in a variety of structures that open up new types of data sources, providing ways to tap into the institutional knowledge locked in PCs and departmental silos.

Posted August 08, 2018

Database downtime can inflict a fatal wound on the life of a business and having a trusted backup solution that can ensure that databases can be back up and running quickly in the event of an outage is critical. With long downtimes simply unacceptable, organizations seek solutions with capabilities such as the ability to manage backups seamlessly, manage and monitor backups, ensure data integrity, scale efficiently restore quickly to any point in time, and provide security features to stay in compliance with local geographic and industry mandates.

Posted August 08, 2018

Redgate Software is upgrading SQL Prompt, elevating it from helping to develop and standardize new code to discovering problems in legacy code. The latest update to SQL Prompt allows users to analyze an entire script of legacy code, no matter how large, and see a list of all the issues contained within it.

Posted July 31, 2018

MarkLogic,  provider of an enterprise NoSQL database platform, has introduced the MarkLogic Query Service, a new way to give customers elasticity in the cloud for their mission-critical, enterprise-grade workloads.

Posted July 26, 2018

Better cybersecurity requires a mindset that looks beyond the technology itself and focuses on having the technology, processes, and people working together in tandem to ensure a secure infrastructure.

Posted July 18, 2018

The dbKoda team has released dbKoda 1.0, the first production release of its open source integrated development environment (IDE) for MongoDB. dbKoda offers features for developing MongoDB applications and for managing and tuning MongoDB databases. 

Posted July 17, 2018

The introduction of transactions in MongoDB 4.0 represents possibly the most significant change in MongoDB's architecture since its original release.  The lack of a transactional capability previously defined the capabilities of the database: Without transactions, MongoDB was blocked from consideration for a wide range of application scenarios.  With the implementation of transactions, MongoDB can for the first time truly claim to be a general purpose DBMS.

Posted July 02, 2018

At MongoDB World '18 today in New York, MongoDB is announcing new capabilities that build on the core foundations of MongoDB. In total, the new features enhance speed, flexibility, and ease of use, giving organizations the ability to use MongoDB everywhere, and allowing developers to spend their time where it makes sense for the business, said Eric Holzhauer, senior director of product marketing at MongoDB, who spoke to DBTA before the conference.

Posted June 27, 2018

Hewlett Packard Enterprise is planning to invest $4 billion in Intelligent Edge technologies and services over the next four years. Specifically, HPE will invest in research and development to advance and innovate new products, services and consumption models across a number of technology domains such as security, AI and machine learning, automation, and edge computing.

Posted June 20, 2018

TigerGraph, provider of a graph analytics platform for the enterprise, has announced the free Developer Edition of its graph analytics platform for lifetime non-commercial use.

Posted June 12, 2018

Quest Software, a global systems management and security software provider, is releasing Toad Edge 2.0, adding support for Postgres. Toad Edge enables developers and database administrators to reduce the time and effort required to develop, manage and maintain Postgres -based open source databases, while ensuring optimal performance.

Posted June 07, 2018

Our data capture and retention requirements continue to grow at a very fast rate, which brings new entrants in the SQL and NoSQL market all the time. However, not all data is created equal. Companies recognize that disparate data can and should be treated differently. That means the way we persist that data can be extremely varied. Now, enter applications that need to access all that data across a very heterogeneous landscape, and we get to the point where we're reinventing the data access wheel every time someone needs to spin up another application or introduce another data source.

Posted June 01, 2018

It may seem strange to see MongoDB expanding the very features of the relational databases that it originally rejected. In the last few releases, we've seen implementation of joins, strict schemas, and now ACID transactions. However, what this indicates is that MongoDB is increasingly contending for serious enterprise database workloads: MongoDB is expanding the scope of its ambitions.

Posted June 01, 2018

Looker, a data platform provider, is releasing new tools and integrations to optimize data science workflows. Looker is improving its governed data workflow with an SDK for R and connections for Python, as well as streamed and merged results, Google TensorFlow integrations, and clean, visual recommendations for users.

Posted May 30, 2018

Enterprise NoSQL database provider MarkLogic has announced the release of MarkLogic 9.0-5. MarkLogic 9.0-5 is part of MarkLogic's continuing mission to make use of MarkLogic easier to use and more automatic, said David Gorbet, SVP of engineering, MarkLogic. Beyond that, he said, the new enhancements can be divided into two main themes, one of which is "smart database technology," with the database providing the ability to understand more about the context of a company's data so it can govern and manage it better.

Posted May 16, 2018

Percona is extending its open source database support expertise to PostgreSQL, enabling organizations to work with a single vendor to meet their support needs for MySQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, or any hybrid combination of these database technologies. By adding PostgreSQL to its portfolio of services, Percona has made it faster and easier for organizations to get the PostgreSQL support they need.

Posted May 14, 2018

Redgate Software is further developing its SQL Search tool to integrate with Microsoft SQL Operations Studio. SQL Search is a popular tool Redgate developed and the version for SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio 2017 has been downloaded more than half a million times.

Posted May 10, 2018

Offered in partnership with Rackspace, Couchbase Managed Cloud is a fully-managed database service that allows IT teams to solve cloud and database infrastructure challenges and to reallocate resources toward business initiatives that drive growth. With Couchbase Managed Cloud, Couchbase combines powerful NoSQL technology with the capabilities and expertise of Rackspace, which provides transformation as a service across applications, data, security, and infrastructure, to deliver a single solution for a unified customer experience.

Posted May 10, 2018

Organizations worldwide are grappling with the requirements of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and it's no secret that finding ways to remain compliant has become one of the most visible challenges, and one that has dominated the conversation. What's more pertinent; however, is the root of the problem: outdated systems which organizations use to track and understand where their data lives. This has grown more difficult day-by-day, as the amount of data collected by organizations grows exponentially. GDPR is a good forcing function to spur them to dig into this problem before it gets worse.

Posted May 08, 2018

erwin has introduced the next generation of erwin DM NoSQL, which supports native integration with the Couchbase Data Platform for new enterprise applications and legacy RDBMS-based migrations. With this integration, erwin DM NoSQL provides native (non-relational) data modeling for document databases, automating the creation of platform-specific deployment scripts, to strengthen data governance. It also helps reduce the risks and costs associated with new platform adoption and accelerates the time-to-value, the company says.

Posted April 30, 2018

An astounding array of new technologies and approaches have emerged on the database scene over the past few years that promise to turn the next 12 months into a time of unprecedented transformation for the database landscape. There are new developments, along with reinforcement of tried-and-true technologies, some of which may help make the jobs of data managers just a bit easier.

Posted April 25, 2018

Couchbase has announced the latest release of its product for mobile data management, Couchbase Mobile 2.0. Available today, the new release offers enterprise developers SQL queries, full-text search, synchronization, and end-to-end security among other features to easily mobilize business applications to create exceptional customer experiences and a more effective workforce.

Posted April 12, 2018

MicroStrategy, a provider of enterprise analytics and mobility software, is releasing an enhanced version of its flagship software, boosting mapping capabilities and more. Version 10.11 introduces new out-of-the-box visualizations, intelligent recommendations for content, prompts for dossiers, a native MicroStrategy Library app for smartphones, and more.

Posted April 10, 2018

GridGain Systems, provider of enterprise-grade in-memory computing solutions based on Apache Ignite, is launching GridGain Professional Edition 2.4, including a Continuous Learning Framework. The addition of this framework in the latest update includes machine learning and a multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network that enable companies to run machine and deep learning algorithms against their petabyte-scale operational datasets in real-time.

Posted April 05, 2018

Redgate Software, a Microsoft SQL Server tools vendor, is updating its SQL Monitor solution, adding capabilities that allow it to integrate with the deployment tools in Redgate's portfolio. The new deployment capability is important because the increased frequency of releases that DevOps enables means companies and organizations are shifting from big deployments to smaller ones.

Posted March 27, 2018

ScyllaDB, the next generation of NoSQL, unveiled Scylla Manager, a new addition to Scylla Enterprise, to improve the manageability and reduce the administration of Scylla deployments. Scylla Manager centralizes cluster administration and automates recurrent tasks, such as periodic repair to Scylla Enterprise clusters, bringing greater predictability and control to Scylla-based environments.

Posted March 22, 2018

Alteryx, Inc., provider of data science and analytics solutions, is releasing Alteryx Promote, a component of the Alteryx Analytics platform for both data scientists and citizen data scientists. It is the result of the company's acquisition of Yhat, a Brooklyn-based data science company, announced in June 2017.

Posted March 09, 2018

With data lakes being so new to organizations, an early failure can significantly set back the opportunity to fundamentally transform analytics. However, while the potential for big data innovation is significant, organizations are mired with slow, manual, and time-consuming processes for managing the tasks that turn raw big data into relevant business assets and insights. Without addressing these challenges in a systematic way, organizations find that data lake projects turn into labor-intensive, complex endeavors.

Posted March 08, 2018

Graph databases are increasingly popular. In fact, according to DB-Engines graphs are the fastest growing of any database category since 2013. This growth is fueled in part because many organizations are realizing the value of understanding connections in their data. For companies looking to use a graph database to build behavior and decision-making applications based on real-time evaluation of connected data, there are several key attributes, including integrity, performance, efficiency and scalability.

Posted March 07, 2018

It's understandable that those new to MongoDB - a so-called "schema free" database - might assume that they no longer need to be concerned with the art-science of data modeling. However, in reality data modeling is just as important in MongoDB as in other databases. Indeed, because of some of the modeling principles for MongoDB are less well understood, arguably, more attention needs to be given to the data modeling process.  

Posted March 07, 2018

MariaDB is launching MariaDB Server 10.3.5, adding temporal data processing, Oracle compatibility features, and other improvements in its next candidate release. The announcement was first made during the MariaDB M|18 conference in New York.

Posted March 07, 2018 is releasing its data collaboration platform for the enterprise, aiming to break down the barriers separating people, data, and business. The platform is launching with integrations with leading enterprise data solutions including Tableau, Microsoft Excel and Power BI, IBM SPSS, MicroStrategy, Google Data Studio, and others.

Posted March 07, 2018

