
NoSQL Central

The four main categories of NoSQL or Not-Only SQL Database systems are gaining popularity for Big Data, Web and Specialized applications. Key-Value Stores enable the storage of unstructured or schemaless data, aligned as a key and actual data; Column-Family databases, store

NoSQL Central Articles

Registration is now open for Data Summit 2015, providing the opportunity to connect with the best minds in the industry, learn what works, and chart your course forward in an increasingly data-driven world. The event is designed to offer a comprehensive educational experience designed to guide attendees through the key issues in data management and analysis today.

Posted January 21, 2015

During a live event, Larry Ellison, Oracle's executive chairman of the board and CTO, outlined a new strategy for reducing customer costs and increasing value with the company's next generation of engineered systems. In the presentation today, Ellison emphasized two key points.

Posted January 21, 2015

Basho Technologies, the creator and developer of Riak, a distributed NoSQL database, has closed a $25 million Series G funding round led by existing investor Georgetown Partners. The additional funding is being used to expand development and marketing activities, the company said.

Posted January 19, 2015

CA Technologies has introduced a new release of its application performance management software, designed to help organizations more proactively manage the user experience of their applications. The CA Application Performance Management (APM) toolset is intended to provide simplified management of application performance, mobile performance management, support for modern languages, and product integrations to enhance DevOps.

Posted January 05, 2015

As analytics continues to play a larger role in the enterprise, the need to leverage and protect the data looms larger. According to the IDC, the big data and analytics market will reach $125 billion worldwide in 2015. Here are 10 predictions from industry experts about the data and analytics in 2015.

Posted December 19, 2014

2015 is going to be a big year for big data in the enterprise, according to Oracle. Neil Mendelson, Oracle vice president of big data and advanced analytics, shared Oracle's "Top 7" big data predictions for 2015. "The technology is moving very quickly and it is gaining to the point where a broader set of people can get into it - not just because it is affordable - but because they no longer require specialized skills in order to take advantage of it," he said.

Posted December 17, 2014

The introduction of increased transactional capability into non-relational databases makes sense—in the same way that providing SQL layers on top of Hadoop and many other non-relational stores makes sense. But it does raise the possibility of convergence of relational and non-relational systems. After all, if I take a non-relational database and add SQL and ACID transactions, have I still got a non-relational database, or have I come full circle back to the relational model?

Posted December 17, 2014

Aerospike has introduced new features and enhancements to its open source, flash-optimized, in-memory NoSQL key-value store database. Enhancements include new clients, easier installation and deployment, storage and performance improvements, enterprise security enhancements, Hadoop integration and numerous community contributions.

Posted December 15, 2014

Revelation Software has announced that the keynote speaker for the Revelation Software Users' Conference will be Dan Lier, a best-selling author, sales and leadership expert and internationally recognized motivational speaker. The conference for Revelation's customers, partners, end users, and resellers globally will take place Tuesday, March 24, through Friday, March 27, 2015, at the Omni Houston Hotel in Texas.

Posted December 03, 2014

The ability to find unique data patterns quickly is important to businesses looking to stay ahead of their competition. To help support companies in these efforts, jKool has announced its new software platform that is designed to spot the patterns in data that lead to actionable insights.

Posted December 02, 2014

SAP has introduced three new SAP solutions to help companies extract value from the Internet of Things (IoT). The SAP solutions for the IoT are powered by SAP HANA Cloud Platform, which is the core application development and enablement platform and provides the ability to generate real-time insights from sensor data and advanced capabilities such as in-memory computing, geo-spatial, telematics, predictive analytics and complex event processing.

Posted November 20, 2014

Progress is partnering with DataStax, which offers production-certified Apache Cassandra for the enterprise, to provide customers with data connectivity and integration solutions. The companies say the partnership is the result of increased demand from both Progress DataDirect and DataStax customers for a standards-based solution that allows Cassandra to integrate with existing IT processes and systems, including BI, analytics and ETL.

Posted November 20, 2014

Enterprise NoSQL database platform provider MarkLogic today announced the availability of MarkLogic 8 Early Access Edition, which brings together advanced search, semantics, bitemporal and native JavaScript support into one platform. The overall theme of the MarkLogic 8 is ease of use. "This release is all about bringing MarkLogic to where the developers are and making it easy for them to adopt MarkLogic," said Joe Pasqua, senior vice president, product strategy, MarkLogic.

Posted November 18, 2014

Big data tool vendors try to downplay the notion that data warehouses and data marts still need to exist, even in a big data world. Relational DBMSs are painted as "old-fashioned," "yesterday," and "inadequate." They beckon potential customers to take a dip in the refreshing data lake. The fact that big data, in all of its glory, is only part of a larger business intelligence solution is getting lost in the dialog.

Posted November 12, 2014

Talend has introduced a new release of its integration platform. The 5.6 release sets new benchmarks for big data productivity and profiling, innovates in MDM with efficiency controls, and broadens Internet of Things (IoT) device connectivity.

Posted November 12, 2014

Cloudant, an IBM company, has introduced an on-premises version of Cloudant software that companies can install in their own data centers to run their own DBaaS. According to the company, the addition of Cloudant Local (IBM Cloudant Data Layer Local Edition), provides customers with a strategy for managing application data with any mix of infrastructure and deployment strategy.

Posted November 10, 2014

Rocket Software has announced Rocket Data Virtualization version 2.1, a mainframe data virtualization solution for universal access to data, regardless of location, interface or format.

Posted November 10, 2014

At the most fundamental level, consider that at the end of the day NoSQL and SQL are essentially performing the same core task — storing data to a storage medium and providing a safe and efficient way to later retrieve said data. Sounds pretty simple — right? Well, it really is with a little planning and research. Here's a simple checklist of 5 steps to consider as you embark into the world of NoSQL databases.

Posted November 05, 2014

NuoDB has introduced Swifts Release 2.1 which includes the first phase of its HTAP (Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing) capabilities. "HTAP" aims to provide real-time operational intelligence with the goal of allowing businesses to acquire immediate insights that they can then use to optimize their business processes

Posted November 04, 2014

In his presentation at the Strata + Hadoop World conference, titled "Unseating the Giants: How Big Data is Causing Big Problems for Traditional RDBMSs," Monte Zweben, CEO and co-founder of Splice Machine, addressed the topic of scale-up architectures as exemplified by traditional RDBMS technologies versus scale-out architectures, exemplified by SQL on Hadoop, NoSQL and NewSQL solutions.

Posted October 22, 2014

MapR Technologies, one of the top ranked distributors for Hadoop, has announced that MapR-DB is now available for unlimited production use in the freely-downloadable MapR Community Edition. "From a developer standpoint, they can combine the best of Hadoop, which is deep predictive analytics across the data, as well as a NoSQL database for real-time operations," explained Jack Norris, chief marketing officer for MapR Technologies.

Posted October 21, 2014

With Cloudera 5.2 the focus is on building products to deliver on the promise of the enterprise data hub that Cloudera introduced last year, said Clarke Patterson, senior director of product marketing at Cloudera. In particular, new capabilities make the technology more accessible to users who are not data scientists and also increase the level of security, two hurdles which can stand in the way of Hadoop adoption.

Posted October 15, 2014

ParStream has introduced an analytics platform purpose-built for the speed and scale of the Internet of Things (IoT). The ParStream Analytics Platform is designed to scale to handle the massive volumes and high velocity of IoT data and is expected to help companies generate actionable insights by enabling analysis with greater flexibility and closer to the source.

Posted October 14, 2014

MongoDB has introduced enhancements to MongoDB Management Service (MMS), a cloud service to simplify operations for MongoDB deployments and reduce operational overhead.

Posted October 14, 2014

Two former Facebook engineers, Bobby Johnson and Lior Abraham, and former Intel engineer, Ann Johnson, have formed Interana to address what they say is an analytics void in event data. Espousing the philosophy that event data holds the key business metrics that companies care about most, Interana's solution is a database that has been specifically designed for event time data. Many methods in the past involved using general-purpose systems which were not designed to answer the types of questions posed by event data and it also took days to process, according to the company.

Posted October 13, 2014

Splunk, which provides software for machine-generated big data analysis, has announced Splunk Enterprise 6.2, Splunk Mint, and Splunk Hunk 6.2. "What we are doing with this release is fundamentally broadening the number of users that can do advanced analytics," stated Shay Mowlem, VP, product marketing at Splunk.

Posted October 13, 2014

It is fair to say that relational theory is the only solid framework for establishing a rational expression of data that falls anywhere inside the boundaries of formal logic. As people continue to laud the "death of relational" by coming up with one or other "new" physical implementations of coding or data engines, from object-oriented, XML, columnar, or anything else one might name, the primary short-coming is that these are physical implementations that avoid having any formalized logic underpinning them.

Posted October 08, 2014

One feature of the big data revolution is the acknowledgement that a single database management system architecture cannot meet all needs. However, the Lambda Architecture provides a useful pattern for combining multiple big data technologies to achieve multiple enterprise objectives. First proposed by Nathan Marz, it attempts to provide a combination of technologies that together can provide the characteristics of a web-scale system that can satisfy requirements for availability, maintainability, and fault-tolerance.

Posted October 08, 2014

In his keynote address, Thomas Kurian, executive vice president, Product Development, Oracle, showcased a brand new product, Oracle Big Data Discovery - a visual face to Hadoop - "that allows you to go to a browser, profile the data, explore the data, analyze the data, and do prediction and correlation," he said.

Posted October 08, 2014

Hadoop RDBMS provider Splice Machine is partnering with LucidWorks to enable Splice Machine customers to access and analyze their unstructured data via LucidWorks Search.

Posted October 08, 2014

NoSQL database provider Couchbase has released a major new release of its NoSQL database Couchbase Server. The 3.0 release includes major architectural enhancements, new SDKs, and introduces a beta release of the ForestDB Storage Engine. "It is the biggest release ever for us with more than 200 features - small, medium, and large," said Couchbase CEO Bob Wiederhold.

Posted October 06, 2014

Aerospike Inc., provider of an in-memory NoSQL database, has announced a new startup special and trade-in program. The new program gives free access to the enterprise Edition of Aerospike with no limits on nodes, TPS and volume of data managed. To qualify, startups must have revenue of under $2 million and funding of under $20 million.

Posted October 03, 2014

To help customers to meet demanding data challenges, Embarcadero Technologies has announced a major new XE6 release of its portfolio of database tools, including ER/Studio, DBArtisan and Rapid SQL.

Posted September 24, 2014

MapR Technologies has introduced the 4.0.1 version of the MapR Distribution including Hadoop. The latest MapR release expands real-time capabilities for use cases including operational applications, interactive queries and stream processing with new versions of Apache Drill, Apache Spark, and Apache HBase, while leveraging Hadoop 2.4, including YARN.

Posted September 23, 2014

NuoDB and Guardtime have formed an alliance to eliminate the confines and issues of sharing data on a global scale. According to Guardtime, its Keyless Signature Infrastructure (KSI) provides webscale, mathematical certainty that an enterprise's infrastructure is in the correct state and alerting when it is not. NuoDB is a distributed database designed for global application deployment.

Posted September 23, 2014

FoundationDB has introduced SQL Layer, a SQL database engine powered by the FoundationDB key-value store. By providing a familiar SQL interface, the new SQL Layer "reduces the barriers to adoption by orders of magnitude," said Ori Herrnstadt, head of SQL Layer development at FoundationDB.

Posted September 16, 2014

Basho has announced the general availability of version 2.0 of its NoSQL database Riak, which extends the platform in five major ways: search, security, advanced data types, ease of use, and the tiered storage.

Posted September 16, 2014

Recognizing that it is the startups that need enterprise features and high level support more than anyone else, but are least equipped to pay for it, Aerospike Inc. has announced a startup special to attract new customers to its open source flash optimized, in-memory open source NoSQL database. In addition, Aerospike has also announced a new trade-in program, that allows enterprises to swap out certain existing technology for Aerospike Enterprise Edition, for no cost throughout the duration of their standing software and support licenses.

Posted September 16, 2014

Revelation Software will showcase the next major release of OpenInsight at its 2015 users conference in Houston, Texas, March 24-27. RevCon15 will take place at the Omni Houston Hotel, which is centrally located in the Uptown Post Oak/Galleria area.

Posted September 10, 2014

