
MultiValue Database Technology

MultiValue (MV) or “Pick” database technology is sometimes referred to as the fifth NoSQL technology. Developed in the mid-1960s, MultiValue database systems continue to be leading technologies in the retail, banking, travel industry, oil & gas, healthcare, government, and education sectors.

MultiValue Database Technology Articles

Absa Vehicle Finance is now running its MultiValue application on an entirely Microsoft platform, thanks to partnering with ONgroup. The company used ONgroup's MVON# toolset for the changeover to .NET for the application run machine. Absa also selected SQL Server as the DBMS.

Posted April 26, 2017

Unstructured data and complex information that doesn't fit neatly into tiny boxes can be difficult to work with in a traditional relational database. That's why organizations in industries from automotive design to toys to logistics rely on MultiValue databases to "bring order to chaos" by allowing just about any type of information to be transformed into useful data.

Posted April 26, 2017

IDS, a leading RV, Marine and Trailer dealership software provider, is partnering with Kore Technologies, adding the Kourier Integrator REST Gateway and associated capabilities to its Astra G2 platform. The move makes dealership data more accessible through RESTful web services application programming interface (API).

Posted April 07, 2017

ONgroup Intl., a provider of solutions that combine MultiValue with SQL, .NET and more, is launching its platform directly on Microsoft .NET, giving users the opportunity to boost their MultiValue systems. Companies can run in the .NET or Mono CLR, the Common Language Runtime. MVON# is the toolset that allows sites to keep what works while removing barriers to integration with contemporary technologies.

Posted April 07, 2017

Kore Technologies will participate in an Eclipse User Group (UFO) Webinar to discuss real-time enterprise application integration practices. Mark Dobransky, co-founder and managing partner at Kore, and Keith Lambert, vice president of marketing and business developemt at Kore, will provide a demonstration of how users can quickly build and deploy secure REST APIs for Eclipse with Kore's latest release of Kourier Integrator and the Kourier REST Gateway.

Posted March 02, 2017

OPTO Software, part of iTMS Software Services Pty Ltd., provides manufacturing inventory software, including ERP solutions, to a wide variety of industries. Customers span the fields of manufacturing, mining, civil, fabrication, and engineering as well as distribution, retail and wholesale, construction, and importing and exporting. A key differentiator for iTMS/OPTO is its deep understanding of the nuances of manufacturing. Revelation supports that agility, ensuring that OPTO platform is easily configured.

Posted March 02, 2017

Zumasys is launching a new version of its jBASE platform, introducing RESTful Services to the MultiValue platform. Native RESTful Services in jBASE 5.6 allows users to bypass proprietary APIs and open their jBASE database to any language environment, web service, or application.

Posted February 22, 2017

As Entrinsik gears up for the next release of the latest update to its Informer platform, the company will be attending the TUG Conference to show off the beta version. The new version enables companies to make fact-based decisions about revenue, margin, and other key metrics by analyzing and visualizing real-time data within core business systems.

Posted February 08, 2017

Pick Cloud, Inc. has joined the Google Cloud Compute Platform Technology Partner program to continue to provide rich cloud services to MultiValue customers. This program includes partners such as systems integrators, IT consultant firms, developers and other professional services companies that help their clients design, develop, and manage new cloud-based solutions.

Posted February 02, 2017

No matter what kind of business you're in, or how large your organization is, protecting your valuable data is a top priority. Failure to do so could put your reputation - and even the future of your operations - at risk.

Posted January 25, 2017

As 2016 comes to a close, experts in the MultiValue community are looking ahead at what 2017 may offer in the MV space. Steve O'Neal, a principal solutions architect at Rocket Software, believes open standards will continue to be important even as they continue to change. Additionally the trend towards using real-time integration and RESTful web services for integrating MultiValue applications will continue and accelerate as more cloud-based and mobile applications become available, Keith Lambert, vice president of marketing and business development at Kore, explained.

Posted January 03, 2017

Rocket Software is updating its UniVerse application platform to include support for new languages and enhance replication for high availability and disaster recovery. Additional upgrades to the platform include streamlined audit logging to automate compliance documentation for regulations and standards such as HIPAA and PCI.

Posted January 03, 2017

Zumasys recently assisted a customer in gaining leverage in the cloud. Allied Electric Supply is a full line electric supply house based in Cobleskill, New York, that sells contractors and industrial accounts. In 2015, the company was due for a technology refresh, according to John Selkirk, president of Allied Electric Supply.

Posted December 14, 2016

With Rocket Software's latest MultiValue (MV) product releases the company is integrating more languages such as Python to manage MV data and provide enhanced functionality to existing applications. Python works directly with BASIC and can be used natively to access existing business rules or called directly from BASIC to extend existing business rules that enterprises leverage daily.

Posted November 16, 2016

Zumasys is broadening use of the jBase platform with features to interest developers in MultiValue systems. Recently, the company attracted a new client that is using jBase to develop a warehouse management system and allows a hands-on experience for young developers.

Posted November 16, 2016

Rocket Software is releasing an enhanced version of its Discover platform, boosting the self-service business intelligence platform for MultiValue customers. Rocket Discover 1.6, with its native interface to Rocket D3, UniVerse and UniData databases, will enable business users to connect to MV data sources through secure Web services, and use Discover's interface for data visualization and discovery, and collaboratively share dashboards.

Posted November 16, 2016

Before the release of Informer 5.0, Entrinsik participated in the EDUCAUSE Conference to showcase new features of the anticipated platform. "We've traditionally to this point been marketing ourselves as a reporting solution, you can access data from multiple places and you can report off that data in multiple ways," said Sharon Shelton, vice president of marketing at Entrinsik. "With this new release we've evolved the product to be a data discovery solution, so not only can it pull data from multiple data sources, as it's pulling the data from those data sources Informer 5 allows you to cleanse and transform the data as it's streaming into Informer."

Posted October 26, 2016

It can be easy for those of us who live and breathe MultiValue databases every day to forget the outside world exists. After all, we're all so busy juggling massive amounts of data and programming requests that we sometimes tune out other important factors that can affect how well IT organizations function. One of the main issues most commonly overlooked is disaster recovery, which is often treated with an "out of sight, out of mind" mentality as we deal with more pressing issues. In fact, high availability/disaster recovery should be a critical part of every MultiValue deployment.

Posted October 26, 2016

Onsystex, Inc., a provider of application modernization tools for the MultiValue (sometimes called Pick systems) community, is expanding one of its platform with features designed to help enterprise CIO's meet mandates. "We have been an active participant in the MultiValue marketplace for over 25 years," said Tim Spells, CEO of Onsystex. "We have leveraged our knowledge of both the strengths and weaknesses of MultiValue technologies to create this powerful suite of tools and services."

Posted October 26, 2016

After releasing Kourier Integrator 4.3, Kore has been gathering feedback from customers to prepare for future updates and gauge users' needs. "The rollout has been going great and customers are liking it," said Mark Dobransky, co-founder and managing partner.

Posted October 07, 2016

Entrinsik is gearing up for its annual ICON conference where hundreds of Informer users will gather together to learn more about the latest update to the Informer platform. ICON 2017 will take place in Raleigh, North Carolina from April 26 to 28, 2017, and will feature breakout sessions with members of the Informer product development team, panel discussions on best practices and methodologies, training sessions, round table discussions specific to different industries, Entrinsik Enrole sessions dedicated to Enrole training, and more.

Posted October 07, 2016

The Furniture Retail Operations Group's KISS system is a fully integrated point-of-sale solution for Windows built by experts in furniture operations to make companies more efficient in how they operate. In order to get the most out of this system, fix problems, and create new solutions and projects, the company uses Revelation Software's OpenInsight solution.

Posted October 07, 2016

The Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG) is excited to be joining the Oracle technology community in San Francisco once again at Oracle OpenWorld 2016, September 18-22. IOUG's 30,0000+ member community is comprised of the top Oracle technology experts from around the globe, several of whom will be presenting sessions on hot topics like Data Intelligence, iOT, Data Security, and Cloud migrations.

Posted September 07, 2016

As the cloud continues to change the way people interact with data, one MultiValue company is helping its users get accustomed to all the new capabilities this new deployment model brings to long-established systems. "The cloud makes a level playing field for all companies regardless of size," said Mark Pick, president and CEO of Pick Cloud.

Posted September 02, 2016

Revelation's OpenInsight solution continues to be enhanced, this time with new reporting tool upgrades and other updates. In conjunction with the Linear Hash Reporting and Resizing Tool released in March 2016, Revelation is publishing a sizelock administration tool called RTI_SET_SIZELOCK. This tool will enable OpenInsight system administrators to view linear hash statistics within an application and identify and modify the file sizelock parameter.

Posted September 02, 2016

Kore Technologies has unveiled the latest release of its signature platform, Kourier Integrator, improving several key areas of the hailed solution. A year and a half in the making, Kourier Integrator Release 4.3 makes it easier to create, deploy, and use RESTful Web Services for real-time enterprise application integration.

Posted August 04, 2016

Rocket Software is making improvements to its mvBase platform, delivering new enhancements customers are looking for. mvBase 3.3 adds remote files, Windows 10 64-bit support, overflow management, and patch updates.

Posted August 04, 2016

MultiValue technologies aren't going anywhere. In fact, Steve O'Neal, a principal solutions architect at Rocket Software, believes MV will play an important role as big data evolves in the future.

Posted August 04, 2016

To manage growing data volumes and pressing SLAs, many companies are leveraging Apache™ Kafka and award-winning Attunity Replicate with next-generation change data capture (CDC) for streaming data ingest and processing.

Posted August 03, 2016

The potential of your business intelligence or data processing application is limited without a comprehensive data connectivity solution. Staying competitive and relevant requires a breadth of data connectivity options.

Posted August 03, 2016

Our goal at Amazon Web Services (AWS) is to enable our customers to do things that were previously not possible, and make things that our customers can already do simpler and better at a much lower cost.

Posted August 03, 2016

It is both exciting and validating to be selected as the number 1 data modeling solution by DBTA's discerning readers for the third consecutive year in a row!

Posted August 03, 2016

