
Data Modeling

Data Modeling and Database Design and Development – including popular approaches such as Agile and Waterfall design - provide the basis for the Visualization, and Management of, Business Data in support of initiatives such a Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Governance, Data Security, and other enterprise-wide data-driven objectives.

Data Modeling Articles

Splice Machine, provider of a scale-out SQL database with built-in machine learning, is launching the Splice Machine Feature Store, helping more companies operationalize machine learning by reducing the complexity of feature engineering.

Posted January 20, 2021

Quest Software, a global systems management, data protection and security software provider, has announced the acquisition of erwin, Inc.  The deal adds data modeling, data governance, and business process modeling solutions to the Quest portfolio, providing customers with end-to-end capabilities to better understand and govern data.

Posted January 20, 2021

Octopai, provider of automated data lineage and discovery solutions, announced its support of Microsoft Azure Data Factory as part of Octopai's continued commitment to empowering organizations and their data users with advanced intelligence. Octopai is the first BI Intelligence platform to analyze Azure Data Factory in hybrid BI environments, providing automated data lineage and discovery and will continue to announce the early support of more platforms as part of an overall strategy to have one centralized view of the entire BI landscape, according to the vendor.

Posted January 19, 2021

Digibee, a leader in a holistic and agile approach to integration, is releasing Digibee Capsules, a solution that packs common integration steps into reusable components that can be safely shared across organizations to accelerate digital transformation.

Posted January 19, 2021

Indexing is a critical part of database optimization. Indexing can dramatically increase query speed. However, DBAs still struggle with finding optimal indexes or optimal SQL plans. DBTA held a webinar with Gary Jerep, solutions consultant, Quest Software, who discussed insights that regarding why query and index performance tuning gets so difficult on relational databases, and what and how a productivity solution called Toad can help.

Posted January 18, 2021

The ability to quickly act on information to solve problems or create value has long been the goal of many businesses. However, it was until recently when new technologies emerged that the speed and scalability requirements of real-time analytics could be addressed both technically and cost-effectively by organizations on a large scale. DBTA held a roundtable webinar with Jamison Shaver, senior director, product management, Swim; Rob Hedgepeth, director, developer evangelist, MariaDB; and Rick Negrin, VP, product management, SingleStore, who discussed the key capabilities for succeeding with real-time analytics today.

Posted January 14, 2021

WhiteSource, providers of open source security and license compliance management software, announced new WhiteSource Advise support for JetBrains' PyCharm and WebStorm integrated development environments (IDEs). These new integrations provide PyCharm and WebStorm developers with real-time visibility and control on problematic open source components from within their preferred development environments.

Posted January 13, 2021

BMC has announced several new capabilities and enhancements for the BMC Automated Mainframe Intelligence (AMI) and Compuware portfolios that enable BMC mainframe customers to protect uptime and availability, defend the mainframe against cybersecurity threats, and advance enterprise DevOps. "Our customers tell us they want to innovate and modernize faster in their mainframe environments while also improving business resiliency and platform security," said John McKenny, senior vice president and general manager of ZSolutions at BMC.

Posted January 11, 2021

IBM Security is offering a new service that allows companies to experiment with fully homomorphic encryption (FHE)—an emerging technology designed to allow data to remain encrypted even while being processed or analyzed in cloud or third-party environments. Building on groundwork and tools developed IBM Research and IBM Z, the new IBM Security Homomorphic Encryption Services provide a scalable hosting environment on IBM Cloud, along with consulting and managed services to help clients begin learning about and designing prototype solutions which can take advantage of FHE.

Posted January 11, 2021

MariaDB Corporation is releasing the MariaDB Connector/R2DBC, exposing a non-blocking API that interacts with MariaDB databases, including MariaDB SkySQL, to create fully reactive solutions. Reactive Relational Database Connectivity (R2DBC) is a new, emerging standard in the Java world. R2DBC enables applications to benefit from reactive programming by using a stream-oriented approach to interact with relational databases.

Posted January 08, 2021

Over the past several years, open source technology adoption has steadily increased in the enterprise space. Because of the impact it can have on the business, choosing the right open source technology—specifically a database—is a critical decision that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Posted January 08, 2021

Today, more than ever, it is important to break down the cultural barriers and foster an environment of teamwork and communication for the entire IT organization, and indeed, for the entire company. Perhaps one of the most important cultural hurdles to overcome these days is the need for speed. A study done by Forrester Research showed that Dev teams are accustomed to new releases on a quarterly basis or faster, and out on the edge there are teams that deploy multiple times a day! Then we have Ops teams, where the expectation is to have new releases twice a year or even slower.

Posted January 07, 2021

An architecture derives its strength from a level of consistency in how things are implemented. However, that is not to say that a mindless devotion to absolute consistency is a good thing. Times will arise when exceptions to almost any rule are necessary. The skill, the art, the balance in applying decisions that result in a good data architecture across an organization are based on a prudent use of when to conform and when an exception is needed. If there are too many exceptions, it can rightfully be declared by observers that there are no rules and that chaos reigns.

Posted January 07, 2021

From the beginning, MongoDB has had a laser focus on making life easier for developers. MongoDB has continued to produce new developer tooling as well. In June, MongoDB introduced a new shell—the mongosh. The traditional Mongo shell is a command-line utility that provides an easy way to execute commands against the database. The existing shell included a JavaScript engine, so it was capable of running scripts that performed administrative functions or simplified complex commands. The new shell includes most of the features of the traditional shell, but adds modern experience such as syntax highlighting, error handling and autocomplete.

Posted January 07, 2021

The year 2020 will be remembered as a time of great upheaval-forcing companies to quickly adapt or succumb to the changing tide of digital transformation. Today, being data-driven is the goal of all companies, whether long established or born digital. To help make the process of identifying useful products and services easier, each year Database Trends and Applications magazine presents a list of Trend-Setting Products.

Posted January 07, 2021

Dremio, a provider of data lake transformation, has raised $135 million in Series D funding, enabling the company to expand its engineering centers around the globe, grow its customer-facing organization, contribute to open-source initiatives, and invest heavily in educating and enabling a growing community of data lake practitioners.

Posted January 07, 2021

SingleStore, The Database of Now for operational analytics and modern applications, is offering native support for AWS Glue, expanding its cloud data integration. This enables developers, data engineers, and data scientists to build with SingleStore on Amazon Web Services (AWS) more easily.

Posted January 06, 2021

The rise of cloud platforms is changing how enterprises are thinking about data management and architecture. With the promise of greater speed, scalability, and flexibility—as well as reduced CapEx costs—cloud adoption continues to accelerate.At the same time, many enterprises are finding that traditional data management approaches are inadequate to handle the growing size and complexity of hybrid, multicloud environments.

Posted January 05, 2021

Truera, providers of a Model Intelligence platform, has raised $12 million in Series A funding that will accelerate recruiting, product development, and sales and marketing. The round was led by Wing VC with participation from returning investors Conversion Capital and Greylock and new investors Data Community Fund, B Capital Group via the firm's Ascent Fund, and Harpoon Ventures. This brings Truera's total funding to date to $17.3M.

Posted December 28, 2020

Platform9, provider of open-source SaaS managed solutions for private and edge clouds, is releasing Platform9 Managed Bare Metal, allowing IT teams to transform their installed physical servers into bare metal clouds, leveraging the API-driven automation and simplicity of Platform9's SaaS managed experience and bare metal controller.

Posted December 23, 2020

Artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to make waves in the industry, and 2021 looks to further that trend. Experts in the field see humans and machines working together to eliminate biases in algorithms while making work easier to manage through the automation of simple tasks and more. Here IT leaders reflect on the changes that 2020 has brought and the key changes they see shaping up for 2021.  

Posted December 22, 2020

MariaDB Corporation announced the certification and immediate availability of the MariaDB Direct Query Adapter in Microsoft Power BI. MariaDB and Microsoft worked together on the integration, giving Power BI users access to data analysis and visualization of live data in MariaDB Platform on-prem or in the cloud through MariaDB SkySQL.

Posted December 22, 2020

nOps, a leading Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cloud management platform for Amazon Web Services (AWS) and an AWS Advanced Technology partner, is introducing a new API integration with the AWS Well-Architected Tool. The company introduced additional new product features that support AWS Well-Architected Framework Reviews and enrich the product experience for partners and end-customers.

Posted December 21, 2020

StreamSets, provider of a DataOps platform, is receiving new certifications that grow its cloud presence for modern data integration in the enterprise. StreamSets' recent cloud growth amplifies the value it offers to customers looking to continuously flow big, streaming, and traditional data to their data science and data analytics applications.

Posted December 21, 2020

Today, organizations must deliver new applications, as well as application updates and patches, at a faster rate than ever before. DevOps principles address this challenge by focusing on a combination of tools, processes, and collaboration among development and operations teams to enable more agile and integrated workflows for development, test, and deployment.

Posted December 16, 2020

NTT Corporation and SAP SE are forming a strategic alliance that creates a holistic partnership in which both companies serve as each other's customers, suppliers, and co-innovators. The deeper relationship enables SAP and NTT to leverage their best capabilities and expertise to deliver solutions that help companies transform into intelligent enterprises.

Posted December 16, 2020

Software intelligence company Dynatrace is expanding its partnership with SAP, positioning Dynatrace as a strategic observability partner for SAP Commerce Cloud. This means Dynatrace's digital experience monitoring capabilities, including real user monitoring and synthetic monitoring, and precise answers from its AI-engine, Davis, are now available for SAP Commerce Cloud, digital experience monitoring, which customers can subscribe to via the online SAP Store.

Posted December 16, 2020

Siemens Smart Infrastructure, a business of the Siemens AG group focusing on energy distribution and intelligent buildings, announced it is moving its SAP infrastructure to AWS. Moving these workloads to AWS will enable Siemens Smart Infrastructure to significantly shorten hardware refresh cycles, increase agility to test and deploy new systems, and provide the foundation for the company's future transformation using SAP S/4HANA technology.

Posted December 16, 2020

This past year has been a whirlwind for everyone, driven by the Coronavirus pandemic as it pushed IT trends in 2020. For 2021 COVID-19 continues to be a central story and a galvanizing force behind this year's forecast.  Several industry experts from SAP have offered up what they see as the top trends for 2021.

Posted December 16, 2020

A recent study indicated that IT professionals were three times more likely to disagree with their leadership than professionals in other indus­tries. Identifying a three-times-more-likely differ­ence of opinion seems a significant variance. I don't know what detailed insights the study arrived at to account for this level of disagreeable­ness. Maybe the study considered IT folks as being more educated, more logical, and therefore more difficult?

Posted December 10, 2020

The year 2020 has been extremely eventful on many levels. Time­lines for digital transformation—supported by data analytics—suddenly had to accelerate from 5-year horizons to overnight implementations. Expect more of this continuing velocity in the year ahead, as companies fast-track their plans for initiatives ranging from AI to edge computing. These all require enor­mous volumes of quality data, meaning data managers will be quite busy in the months ahead. DBTA spoke to leaders across the industry to gain their perspec­tive on what to expect.

Posted December 10, 2020

Revelation is releasing a "Roll Up" patch to OpenInsight version 9.4 that will enhance debug functionalities and improve operations.  This patch was made as a result of user reports and suggestions, said Mike Ruane, president and CEO of Revelation.

Posted December 10, 2020

This may be the era of the data-driven enterprise, but only a handful of organizations report they are ready for it. There is a growing volume of "dark data" that remains obscure to IT managers and decision makers. This period unfolding before us will be driven by several technology initiatives, from 5G wireless and IoT to AI.

Posted December 10, 2020

Data management and integration demands continue to increase as organizations are faced with more data flowing in from a greater variety sources than ever before. At the same time, there is the need to extract business value, protect, and offer wider access to that data for more users. Today, being data-driven is the goal of all companies, whether long established or born digital.

Posted December 09, 2020

Einblick, a visual data computing platform provider, based on years of research at MIT and Brown University, announced it has secured $6 million in Seed funding along with launching its visual data computing platform. The funding round was lead investor Amplify Partners with participation from top-tier investors Flybridge and Samsung Next.

Posted December 09, 2020

Whether you are just starting your journey to the cloud, still weighing the benefits, or already knees-deep in several cloud databases or applications, you're probably wondering if other organizations are asking the same questions or facing the same challenges that you are. DBTA recently held a webinar with Dan Russell, senior vice president of cloud strategy and alliances, Datavail, who discussed moving to the cloud.

Posted December 07, 2020

Now, more than ever, enterprises need speed, agility, and insight to navigate today's rapidly-changing business environments. Fast, actionable intelligence is a universal goal. However, making the right data available to the right people at the right time is an ongoing challenge. DBTA recently held a webinar with John O'Brien, principal analyst and CEO, Radiant Advisors and David Dichmann, director, product marketing, data warehouse, Cloudera, who discussed the three necessities for a modern analytics ecosystem today.

Posted December 07, 2020

erwin, Inc., has introduced a new version of the erwin Data Intelligence Suite (erwin DI), including enhancements to the user interface (UI), plus new AI and self-service data discovery capabilities. The goal with the improvements is to make it easier for organizations to tailor the solution to meet the unique needs of their data governance frameworks, identify and socialize the most valuable data assets, and expand metadata scanning and sensitive data tracking.

Posted December 03, 2020

Adaptiv Networks, a cloud-native SD-WAN-as-a-Service vendor, is partnering with TeleDynamics, a wholesale supplier of telecommunications products as well as software and services, allowing TeleDynamics to distribute Customer Premise Equipment to Adaptiv Networks' growing customer base and promote Adaptiv Networks' SD-WAN solutions to the ecosystem of TeleDynamics resellers.

Posted December 02, 2020

IBM is releasing a series of cloud services and technologies designed to help clients maintain the highest available level of cryptographic key encryption protection to help protect existing data prepare for future threats in the cloud. Pioneered by IBM Research scientists, the company is now offering quantum-safe cryptography support for key management and application transactions in IBM Cloud, making it the industry's most holistic quantum-safe cryptography approach to securing data available today, according to the vendor.

Posted December 02, 2020

Developing applications rapidly utilizing DevOps requires data discipline. From integrating and managing data attributes using data repositories to tracking data from its source to its final destination, all the controls need to be put into place to ensure that the data is accurate and protected. With all the different types of data stores, data formats, and movement of data to the cloud, creating and maintaining one complete up-to-date picture of the data is a challenge.

Posted December 02, 2020

DigitalOcean is releasing its Container Registry, providing users with the ability to securely store and manage private container images, especially for use with DigitalOcean Kubernetes.

Posted December 01, 2020

365 Data Centers, a leading provider of network-centric colocation and other Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutions, is acquiring Atlantic Metro Communications, which provides tailored colocation, network, and cloud services to large and mid-size enterprises.

Posted November 25, 2020

Next Pathway Inc., the Automated Cloud Migration company, is providing the next generation of its cloud migration planning technology, Crawler360, offering enterprise customers a way to migrate their legacy data warehouses and data lakes to modern cloud platforms.

Posted November 25, 2020

Software intelligence company Dynatrace is releasing the 4th generation of its distributed tracing and code-level analysis technology, PurePath. PurePath 4 captures and analyzes end-to-end transactions across multicloud environments, and at near-zero overhead.

Posted November 25, 2020

Datadobi, a global provider of unstructured data management software, is offering support for file data migration to and protection on Microsoft Azure, enabling enterprise customers to migrate and protect their NAS file data in the cloud. Using Datadobi software, enterprises get the best of both worlds by allowing them the flexibility to keep their NAS file data either in their data center, in Azure, or both, according to the vendor.

Posted November 24, 2020

