

The enterprise use of virtualization is expanding in all its forms. The growing range of use cases includes Server Virtualization, Data Virtualization, Database Virtualization, Desktop Virtualization, as well as Virtualization used more broadly for IT infrastructure in support of the “Software-Defined Data Center.”

Virtualization Articles

Data integration is critical to many organizational initiatives such as business intelligence, sales and marketing, customer service, R&D, and engineering. For many enterprises, however, the road to data-driven nirvana is stymied by the inflexible, calcified systems and processes that were laid out decades earlier and still control the data flow within many enterprises, according to Joe McKendrick, lead research analyst at Unisphere Research.

Posted August 03, 2016

The last thing companies want is tainted data merging with incorrect information. The process of maintaining data integrity enhances the reliability of information for use by a business. This is where tools to ensure data quality come in.

Posted August 03, 2016

Data is increasingly appreciated by companies as their most valuable asset. But the problem is that this view is not just held by organizations themselves, there are others - including hackers and - who see it that way as well. IT and data managers can play a pivotal role in enterprise security because they are the insiders with trusted status and they are aware of where the data is stored and how best to reduce or eliminate threats. Newer security technology can also relieve many of the manual burdens associated with database monitoring.

Posted August 03, 2016

For fast-paced, turn-on-a-dime digital enterprises, with demands for 24-by-7 uptime, no activity is more vital than keeping database systems up and running. Today, database availability is no longer just a critical IT issue; it is a critical business issue. To be prepared in the event of system failures, infrastructure owners and DBAs have developed strategies to increase resiliency and assure availability of data.

Posted August 03, 2016

Database development is growing more challenging all the time. Releases are expected to come out faster than ever, and teams are more spread out across, global geographies, time zones, and skill levels. Software deployment, meanwhile needs to be spread across cloud and onsite, and accessible through more devices than ever. What's needed is an integrated end-to-end environment with multi-platform support that helps simplify development and provides automation to achieve repeatable processes and avoid potential risks that can translate into unanticipated delays.

Posted August 03, 2016

If information is the lifeblood of organizations today, then delivering information where it is needed faster can be considered a matter of business health, and in some cases, even business survival.

Posted August 03, 2016

There is more data available to organizations than ever before, but the goal remains the same - to unlock nuggets of gold, the useful information that will result in competitive advantage for the organization, allowing it to react to customer's needs with lightning speed, uncover new opportunities, and act fast to counter competitive threats.

Posted August 03, 2016

Over the years, MultiValue technology has maintained its base of committed advocates despite the decades-long trend toward relational database management systems. And, now with an expanding appreciation for polyglot persistence, or put more simply, the selection of the best tool for the job, there is a growing recognition that different data management systems offer different benefits with some simply better suited for certain requirements than others.

Posted August 03, 2016

Today, data is being recognized and appreciated as an asset, and even, some have suggested, a kind of currency. But beyond the obvious businesses built on data - such as Airbnb's rental business, Uber's car service app, and Alibaba's online marketplace - every business today is striving to become a data-driven organization, with turn-on-a-dime agility and rapid insights into customer behaviors and desires.

Posted August 03, 2016

Velostrata, which provides software for moving cloud workloads, has introduced a new release of its namesake platform, adding capabilities to simplify, speed, and decrease the risk associated with cloud migration in support of enterprise hybrid cloud initiatives.

Posted August 03, 2016

SolarWinds, a provider of IT management software, has announced significant updates to the SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer (DPA). Version 10.2 supports MySQL as a back-end database in addition to SQL Server and Oracle Database, includes visualization and analysis tools to help DBAs optimize for and resolve blocking, locking, and deadlock issues, and adds support for Microsoft SQL Server 2016.

Posted August 02, 2016

Monte Zweben, CEO and co-founder of the company that was founded in 2012, talks with Big Data Quarterly about why Splice Machine has rolled out an open source Community Edition - and why it is doing so now

Posted July 18, 2016

Delphix is developing a three-tiered Channel Partner Program to support a growing demand for more agile data management.

Posted July 15, 2016

Oracle has rolled out new additions to the SPARC platform. Built on the new SPARC S7 microprocessor, the latest additions to the SPARC platform include new cloud services, engineered systems, and servers. With the new SPARC S7 products and services, Oracle is offering a full spectrum of SPARC offerings that go from public cloud offerings all the way to on-premise server offerings, and opening up new opportunities to customers in their path to cloud computing, said Marshall Choy, VP of Product Management at Oracle.

Posted July 06, 2016

For those who haven't encountered the term, the "trough of disillusionment" is a standard phase within the Gartner hype cycle. New technologies are expected to pass from a "peak of inflated expectations" through the trough of disillusionment before eventually reaching the "plateau of productivity." Most new technologies are expected to go through this trough, so it's hardly surprising to find big data entering this phase.

Posted June 22, 2016

The data manager now sits in the center of a revolution swirling about enterprises. In today's up-and-down global economy, opportunities and threats are coming in from a number of directions. Business leaders recognize that the key to success in hyper-competitive markets is the ability to leverage data to draw insights that predict and provide prescriptive action to stay ahead of markets and customer preferences. For that, they need to keep up with the latest solutions and approaches in data management. Here are 12 of the key technologies turning heads—or potentially opening enterprise wallets—in today's data centers.

Posted June 22, 2016

Cloudera is collaborating with Microsoft to build a new open source platform that will reduce the burden on application developers leveraging Spark. The two entities, together with other open source contributors, have built a new open source Apache licensed REST-based Spark Service, called Livy, which is still in early alpha development.

Posted June 09, 2016

Cloud computing is gaining ground in the enterprise since it allows businesses to concentrate on their core competencies rather than on IT. As cloud becomes more popular, organizations are focusing on hybrid strategies that combine on-premise and cloud capabilities, industry research shows. However, data integration and security remain concerns.

Posted June 07, 2016

SIOS Technology Corp., a provider of software products for optimizing and protecting business-critical application environments, is rolling out a new release of SIOS iQ, its machine learning analytics software for VM environments. Providing a key new capability, SIOS has worked with SQL Sentry to integrate iQ version 3.7 with SQL Sentry Performance Advisor to bridge what it describes as a critical gap between IT infrastructure administrators and SQL Server administrators.

Posted June 07, 2016

Emerging and newer vendors can offer fresh, innovative ways of dealing with data management and analytics challenges. Here, DBTA looks at the 10 companies whose approaches we think are worth watching.

Posted June 06, 2016

Today at Spark Summit, MapR Technologies is announcing a new enterprise-grade Apache Spark Distribution. "This is a Spark-focused distribution that combines Apache Spark with the real time, persistent, web-scale data layer of MapR," said Jack Norris, SVP, Data and Applications, MapR. The new Spark Distribution option for the MapR Converged Data Platform enables advanced analytics - including batch processing, machine learning, procedural SQL, and graph computation, and is a production-ready platform for Spark workloads on-premise and in the cloud.

Posted June 06, 2016

Open Text Corporation, a provider of Enterprise Information Management solutions, is entering into a definitive agreement to acquire Recommind, Inc., a leading provider of eDiscovery, and information analytics. The transaction purchase price is approximately $163 million and with this acquisition, Recommind's eDiscovery platform will complement OpenText's own enterprise information management (EIM) solutions.

Posted June 02, 2016

Dynatrace, a digital performance software company, is teaming up with Pivotal, to deploy its application monitoring solutions for the Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) platform. The integration of Dynatrace with Pivotal Cloud Foundry will enable companies to take advantage of this acceleration by collecting analytics for applications running on PCF, allowing them to detect and act on performance shortcomings and optimize end-to-end transaction latencies.

Posted May 26, 2016

The OpenStack Trove database as a service (DBaaS) project has come a long way since incubation in Grizzly and Havana, and integration in the Icehouse release in April 2014. At that time, it supported single instances of MongoDB, MySQL and a few other databases. Today, Trove supports Cassandra, Couchbase, CouchDB, DataStax Enterprise, DB2 Express, MariaDB, MongoDB, MySQL Percona, Percona XtraDB Cluster, Redis, and Vertica.

Posted May 25, 2016

Cisco is launching an appliance that includes the MapR Converged Data Platform for SAP HANA, making it easier and faster for users to take advantage of big data. The UCS Integrated Infrastructure for SAP HANA is made easy to deploy, speeds time to market, and will reduce operational expenses along with providing users with the flexibility to choose a scale-up (on-premises) or scale-out (cloud) storage strategy.

Posted April 27, 2016

Microsoft has been on a tear for the past couple of years. It has been pushing forward with a very steady stream of powerful new features and capabilities, even entire product lines, within its Data Platform business. But while Microsoft has been hard at work on this deluge of new technologies, it would be completely forgivable if you haven't noticed. The reason it's OK is that Microsoft is advancing on multiple fronts, both in the on-premises product line and even more dramatically with the Azure cloud-based products.

Posted April 27, 2016

Neo Technology, creator of Neo4j, is releasing an improved version of its signature platform, enhancing its scalability, introducing new language drivers and a host of other developer friendly features.

Posted April 26, 2016

The COLLABORATE 16 conference for Oracle users kicked off with a presentation by Unisphere Research analyst Joe McKendrick who shared insights from a ground-breaking study that examined future trends and technology among 690 members of three major Oracle users groups.

Posted April 25, 2016

To help organizations that are being held back from moving enterprise workloads to a public cloud because of business, legislative, or regulatory requirements that restrict where and how they handle data, Oracle has launched a new set of offerings. Introduced at Oracle CloudWorld in Washington, DC, by Thomas Kurian, president, Oracle, "Oracle Cloud at Customer" enables organizations to get the benefits of Oracle's cloud services but in their own data center.

Posted April 20, 2016

Hortonworks is making several key updates to its platform along with furthering its mission as being a leading innovator of open and connected data solutions by enhancing partnerships with Pivotal and expanding upon established integrations with Syncsort.

Posted April 15, 2016

Lavastorm is releasing its Accelerators Library solution at no cost to users, offering an array of preconfigured components that make it easier and faster for all Lavastorm users to build analytic applications regardless of technical acumen.

Posted April 14, 2016

Segment, which provides a customer data hub, has introduced a new platform that will give companies access to new types of cloud services data. The new platform, dubbed "Sources," allows users to now export, sync, and store data from CRM, marketing, and payments platforms and move it into Postgres or Amazon Redshift for analysis.

Posted April 07, 2016

Qubole, a big data-as-a-service company, is open sourcing its Quark platform, a cost-based SQL optimizer. The Quark project is also available in a SaaS implementation via the Qubole Data Service (QDS).

Posted April 07, 2016

AppFormix has integrated Intel Resource Director Technology (Intel RDT) into its performance monitoring platform, delivering performance improvements that address the "noisy neighbor" problem common to multi-tenant cloud environments. Intel RDT technology is available in the recently announced Intel Xeon processor E5-2600 v4 product family.

Posted April 04, 2016

Databricks, the company behind Apache Spark, is releasing a new set of APIs that will enable enterprises to automate their Spark infrastructure to accelerate the deployment of production data-driven applications.

Posted April 01, 2016

Denodo, a provider of data virtualization software, is releasing Denodo Platform 6.0, further accelerating its "fast data" strategy. "It's a major release for us," said Ravi Shankar, Denodo CMO. There are three important areas that nobody else is focusing on in the industry, he noted. "This, we hope, will change how data virtualization, and in a broader sense, data integration will shape up this year."

Posted March 31, 2016

Teradata has introduced a new "design pattern" approach for data lake deployment. The company says its concept of a data lake pattern leverages IP from its client engagements, as well as services and technology to help organizations more quickly and securely get to successful data lake deployment.

Posted March 28, 2016

The rise of big data technologies in enterprise IT is now seen as an inevitability, but adoption has occurred at a slower pace than expected, according to Joe Caserta, president and CEO of Caserta Concepts, a firm focused on big data strategy consulting and technology implementation. Caserta recently discussed the trends in big data projects, the technologies that offer key advantages now, and why he thinks big data is reaching a turning point.

Posted March 23, 2016

As more businesses leverage applications that are hosted in the cloud, the lines between corporate networks and the internet become blurred. Accordingly, enterprises need to develop an effective strategy for ensuring security. The problem is, many of today's most common approaches simply don't work in this new cloud-based environment.

Posted March 23, 2016

Oracle recently announced its Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) InfiniBand Fabric, which will be available in Q2 2016. The new software-defined networking-enabled, converged fabric has been introduced to increase application performance so customers can more quickly respond to changing business demands.

Posted March 23, 2016

Storage requirements are growing by leaps and bounds, and more organizations are turning to cloud computing to manage the load. However, cloud isn't necessarily seen as the best approach to data storage bursting—rather, it's mainly being used for backup and for hosting development and test environments, according to a new survey.

Posted March 23, 2016

The OAUG volunteers planning COLLABORATE 16: Technology and Applications Forum for the Oracle Community (April 10-14 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas) are themselves Oracle users and technologists, understanding innately the myriad options and challenges faced by the wider user community in a period of rapid change and transformation. With participation and contributions from all corners of the user community, COLLABORATE offers the information and perspective to make sense of it all.

Posted March 21, 2016

