
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Articles

BMC, a provider of IT solutions for the digital enterprise, will purchase RSM Partners, a global provider of services, software, and expertise with a focus on IBM Z mainframes.

Posted February 18, 2020

Domo is launching next generation of the Domo Appstore, which includes a new collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS).  This new collaboration with AWS further enhances the ability to leverage data to modernize business processes, according to Domo.

Posted February 12, 2020

Hazelcast, an open source in-memory computing platform, has announced an additional $28.5 million in funding, bringing its total Series D round to $50 million. Hazelcast raised an initial $21.5 million in Series D funding in June but, given the interest from the investor community, the company said, it expanded the round. 

Posted February 11, 2020

Although it can be challenging for enterprises to try and maintain this pace of innovation, they have plenty of tools available to make it possible, including augmented analytics, which aims to capitalize on the large quantity of data. Gartner predicts that this next wave of analytics, which integrates AI and machine learning technologies into analytics workflows, will be a big disruption in the coming years.

Posted February 10, 2020

The decade just ended has truly been revolutionary. Technological forces have combined to revolutionize almost every aspect of our daily lives and trans­form our society—and not always for the better. But although the components of a revolution were in place in 2010, the transformations that would result from the integration of cloud, mobile, and social were far from obvious.

Posted February 10, 2020

For data managers, AI and machine learning not only offer new ways of delivering rapid insights to business users but also the promise of improving and adding intel­ligence to their own operations. While many AI and machine learning efforts are still works in progress, the technol­ogies hold the potential to deliver more enhanced analytic capabilities through­out enterprises.

Posted February 10, 2020

For years, if not decades, database managers have been struggling with the challenges of providing as much access as possible to corporate informa­tion assets while at the same time protect­ing these crown jewels. All of this work, of course, has had to take place within the confines of relatively tight budget and resource constraints. Now, a new generation of solutions and platforms holds great promise in releasing profes­sionals from the more mundane aspects of their jobs to devote more time to the activities that matter to their businesses. However, even with database automation and cloud resources abundantly available on the market, many database managers still spend inordinate amounts of time on low-level tasks.

Posted February 10, 2020

IBM inventors received 9,262 U.S. patents in 2019, achieving a milestone of most patents ever awarded to a U.S. company, and marking the company's 27th consecutive year of U.S. patent leadership. In 2019, IBM led the industry in the number of U.S. patents granted across key technology areas such as AI, blockchain, cloud computing, quantum computing and security.

Posted February 10, 2020

Arvind Krishna has been elected as the CEO of IBM and a member of its board of directors. In this role, Krishna succeeds Virginia "Ginni" Rometty, IBM chairman, president, and CEO, who will continue as executive chairman of the board and serve through the end of the year, when she will retire after almost 40 years with the company. Announcing the executive changes on January 30, IBM said that Krishna, who is currently IBM SVP for Cloud and Cognitive Software, and was a principal architect of the company's acquisition of Red Hat, would assume the job on April 6, 2020. James Whitehurst, IBM SVP and CEO of Red Hat, was also elected by the board as IBM president, effective April 6, 2020

Posted February 10, 2020

Whether you are reading the news, going to the store, dealing with customer service or sending a package, it has become apparent that AI is becoming part of our daily lives. We can see this on more of a macro level with the automotive industry and its adoption of AI to improve the overall driving experience, as well as the healthcare industry as it uses the technology to automate the process of identifying and ultimately diagnosing high-risk patient groups. Even the agriculture industry is taking advantage of AI to improve operating efficiency and assist with the automation of essential farming processes.

Posted February 10, 2020

Software intelligence company Dynatrace is expanding digital experience management capabilities, including advanced analytics and segmentation of mobile app user sessions, auto-instrumentation for additional mobile platforms and technologies, and enhancements to its explainable AI engine, Davis, including insights from third-party mobile app components.

Posted February 07, 2020

Oracle Retail is offering Consumer Insights, a new offering to help retailers understand the characteristics of their best customers and then extend those traits to find similar potential customers among the petabytes of third-party consumer data in Oracle Data Cloud. This enables retailers to optimize customer acquisition campaigns with more relevant, targeted products and offers. 

Posted February 05, 2020

Looker, a data platform company, is introducing the Looker Certification program for people to get "Looker Certified." The program is launching with two exams that are available now - a LookML Developer Certification and a Business Analyst Certification - with additional exams to be rolled out over time.   

Posted February 04, 2020

dotData, focused on delivering full-cycle data science automation and operationalization for the enterprise, has achieved Amazon Web Services (AWS) Machine Learning (ML) Competency status, reaching the milestone after 8 months of joining the AWS Partner Network.

Posted February 04, 2020

Yellowbrick Data, provider of a modern analytical data warehouse built for the hybrid cloud, is partnering with MicroStrategy, enabling a new integration of a Yellowbrick Data warehouse and MicroStrategy 2020, MicroStrategy's flagship enterprise analytics platform.

Posted January 30, 2020

Hitachi Vantara, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd., has announced plans to acquire the business of privately held Waterline Data, Inc. Waterline Data's patented "fingerprinting" technology uses AI- and rule-based systems to automate the discovery, classification, and analysis of distributed and diverse data assets to accurately and efficiently tag large volumes of data based on common characteristics.

Posted January 30, 2020

Dynatrace, a software intelligence company, is collaborating with Google and Microsoft on the OpenTelemetry project to shape the future of open standards-based observability.

Posted January 30, 2020

Today's enterprise clouds are evolving, and businesses need to evolve with them by embracing the next-generation cloud model. As a new year—and a new decade—unfolds, here are 5 predictions from Oracle on how new technologies and business models are changing.

Posted January 30, 2020

SAP is joining the CEO Carbon Neutral Challenge, issued by Gucci President and CEO Marco Bizzarri pledging to support global business in the transition to a low-carbon economy. In the transition to new sustainable business models, SAP has a team of innovation services and solutions professionals focused on enabling customers to embrace disruption and transform their business through innovation using intelligent technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and advanced data analytics

Posted January 29, 2020

Aisera, a provider of an AI driven service experience solution, is launching its debut product that will deliver transformational AI to corporations looking for the best in self-service experience solutions.

Posted January 28, 2020

Delta Air Lines is embarking on a multi-year collaborative effort with IBM - including joining the IBM Q Network—to explore the potential capabilities of quantum computing to transform experiences for customers and employees. Through the IBM Q Hub at NC State University, Delta will have access to the IBM Q Network's fleet of universal hardware quantum computers for commercial use cases and fundamental research, including the recently-announced 53-qubit quantum computer, which, the company says, has the most qubits of a universal quantum computer available for external access in the industry, to date.

Posted January 27, 2020

Circonus, provider of a machine data intelligence platform, is receiving $6.8 million in a Series A1 investment to continue advancing its machine data intelligence platform and meet market demand for machine data intelligence across multiple industries.

Posted January 21, 2020

We are at the start of a new year and a new decade and technology is poised for fast change. Recently, Ram Chakravarti, CTO at BMC Software offered his predictions for an autonomous digital enterprise, edge computing and IoT solutions, ITSM, AIOps—and more.

Posted January 09, 2020

erwin, the data governance company, is releasing an updated version of erwin Data Modeler (erwin DM), introducing new innovation across its enterprise modeling and data governance suites.

Posted January 08, 2020

In 2019 artificial intelligence and machine learning continued its upward trajectory in the market, promising to change the future as we know it. To help support data management processes and decision making, artificial and augmented intelligence is being infused into products and services. Machine learning sits in the center of all AI conversations, as combining machine learning with AI and cognitive technologies can make it even more effective in processing large volumes of information. Both technologies can lead to automation of tasks inside and outside the enterprise-another subject that promises to make waves in the future.  Here, executives of leading companies offer 10 predictions for what's ahead in 2020.

Posted December 20, 2019

Dotscience, a provider of DevOps for Machine Learning (MLOps) solutions, is forming partnerships with GitLab and Grafana Labs, along with strengthening integrations with several platforms and cloud providers. The company is deepening integrations to include Scikit-learn, and TensorFlow; expanding multi-cloud support with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure; and entering a joint collaboration with global enterprises to develop an industry benchmark for helping enterprises get maximum ROI out of their AI initiatives.

Posted December 18, 2019

The next decade is just around the corner and enterprises in and around the big data space are preparing to pounce upon the next set of trends the new year will bring. The cloud is primed to continue making waves, along with other digital disruptions to improve user experiences. Several industry experts from SAP have offered up what they see as the top trends for 2020. 

Posted December 18, 2019

Accenture is acquiring Clarity Insights, a U.S.-based data consultancy with deep data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) expertise. The acquisition will add nearly 350 employees, along with a strong portfolio of accelerators, which can help organizations more quickly realize value from their data, to Accenture's Applied Intelligence business. These additions will further equip clients with leading capabilities to meet the growing demand for enterprise-scale AI, analytics, and automation solutions.

Posted December 13, 2019

dotData, focused on delivering full-cycle data science automation and operationalization for the enterprise, has achieved Advanced Technology Partner status in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN). Achieving APN Advanced Technology Partner status is recognition of dotData's ability to deliver data science automation and machine learning (ML) automation on AWS.

Posted December 12, 2019

GigaSpaces, the provider of Insight Edge, is releasing GigaSpaces Version 15.0, including updates to the InsightEdge Platform and XAP, to operationalize and optimize machine learning. GigaSpaces Version 15.0 powers machine learning operations (MLOps) initiatives, helping enterprises maximize the business value derived from big data.

Posted December 11, 2019

Qualitest, a software testing and quality assurance company, has acquired AI and machine learning company AlgoTrace, marking the first step of Qualitest's growth strategy following an investment from Bridgepoint earlier this year.

Posted December 11, 2019

Oracle OpenWorld, which has for many years been held in San Francisco during the month of September or October, is moving to Las Vegas. "Oracle is excited to offer a modern, state-of-the-art experience for attendees at Oracle OpenWorld and Code One 2020 in Las Vegas," an Oracle spokesperson said in a written statement. "The city and its vast amenities are tailor-made for hosting large-scale events, and we look forward to bringing the industry's most comprehensive technology and developer conference to America's premier hospitality destination."

Posted December 11, 2019

Compuware has announced the findings of a global survey of 400 IT leaders, which reveals that manual testing practices, still in widespread use, are one of the biggest challenges large organizations face as they attempt to accelerate digital innovation. The survey examined the processes that organizations have in place to deliver innovation on the mainframe as quickly as in their distributed environments—which are highly reliant on the mainframe.

Posted December 09, 2019

Think about the last time you filled out a paper form and contrast that with how many times you've filled out forms online. We live in an era where everything is digital. Forms are online, every click is captured, and even personal lives are documented on social media. The first wave of digitization led to more BI and better data-driven decisions. But, as we head into 2020, the focus has shifted from BI to operational analytics. Traditional BI was focused on enabling executives to make decisions using historical data. It was accelerated by technologies such as Hadoop, which were built for scale but could not deliver results.

Posted December 01, 2019

As we stand at the start of a new year and on the precipice of a new decade—the 2020s, DBTA reached out to industry leaders for their perspectives on not only what's ahead in the year 2020 but also what they see developing as the next decade unfolds.

Posted December 01, 2019

ServerFarm, a data center developer and operator, is joining the NVIDIA DGX-Ready Data Center program, connecting service providers and enterprises with AI-ready facilities.

Posted November 27, 2019

SAP is releasing the latest version of S/4HANA that includes new integrations, better product design, and more. With the 1911 release, an initial integration is delivered between SAP S/4HANA Cloud and Experience Management solutions from SAP (Qualtrics). With this integration, SAP now becomes an experience management-driven company as we allow selected customers to share their SAP S/4HANA cloud software experience with SAP.

Posted November 20, 2019

Oracle is announcing a new CDM for B2C Service as well as a new high-velocity digital sales solution. The offerings were introduced in recent Oracle blog posts. Oracle Digital Sales will be Oracle's first CX application featuring Oracle's new Redwood user experience, which was introduced at Oracle OpenWorld.

Posted November 20, 2019

Kinetica's Active Analytics Platform now incorporates NVIDIA RAPIDS, a GPU-acceleration boost for machine learning, to deliver precision business predictions across the entire enterprise. The platform can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud via a broad ecosystem, including strategic partners such as NVIDIA, Dell Technologies, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Posted November 20, 2019

Aerospike, a provider of a patented hardware-optimized NoSQL data platform for real-time transactional and AI/ML-based applications that require machine speed and machine scale, has added new funding to expand the company's geographic presence, develop additional data infrastructure integrations, and grow enterprise partnerships.

Posted November 19, 2019

PlanetScale has announced the general availability of PlanetScale CNDb, a fully managed cloud native database designed on Vitess, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)-hosted open source project that serves massive scale production traffic at large web-scale companies such as YouTube, Slack, and Square.

Posted November 18, 2019

