
Database Security

Information Security solutions protect enterprise and government data and help address the need for compliance with Government and Industry requirements in physical and virtual systems. Security technologies that help protect against misuse by external hackers and internal privileged users include Data Masking, Data Encryption, Identity Management, Degaussing, Firewalls, Auditing, and Mandatory Access Controls.

Database Security Articles

As storage requirements continue to spiral upward, more organizations are relying on the cloud to help them do data management, backup, data warehousing, development/test and archive, according to a new research report, based on a survey among members of the IOUG that was conducted by Unisphere Research, a division of Information Today, Inc.

Posted June 17, 2016

Ground Labs, a global security software company, is releasing Enterprise Recon 2.0, an upgrade that improves security methods for organizations. The solution now scans for 100 different data points and personally identifiable information (PII), allowing organizations to protect critical information at every endpoint.

Posted June 15, 2016

The data manager now sits in the center of a revolution swirling about enterprises. In today's up-and-down global economy, opportunities and threats are coming in from a number of directions. Business leaders recognize that the key to success in hyper-competitive markets is the ability to leverage data to draw insights that predict and provide prescriptive action to stay ahead of markets and customer preferences. For that, they need to keep up with the latest solutions and approaches in data management. Here are 12 of the key technologies turning heads—or potentially opening enterprise wallets—in today's data centers.

Posted June 15, 2016

DBmaestro, a provider of DevOps for Database solutions, is unveiling an updated version of its TeamWork platform, improving its ability to support seamless integration with all sources of database changes.

Posted June 14, 2016

Splice Machine has announced that it is releasing its database management system, a dual-engine RDBMS powered by Hadoop and Spark, as an open source platform. The community edition will be free for members of the open source community, allowing them to use as well as modify source code, whereas the enterprise edition will include a set of proprietary tools focused on operational features that enable DBAs and DevOps teams to maintain, tune, and keep the platform secure while it's live.

Posted June 10, 2016

Cirba Inc., a provider of software-defined infrastructure control analytics, is launching an upgraded version of its namesake platform featuring VM routing decisions for hybrid cloud environments. Cirba version 9.0 will include integrations for cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and IBM SoftLayer.

Posted June 10, 2016

Keeping your DBMS software up-to-date can be a significant job. The typical release cycle for DBMS software is every 18 to 36 months for major releases, with constant bug fixes and maintenance updates delivered in between those major releases.

Posted June 09, 2016

Data Dynamics, Inc., a provider of storage management solutions for unstructured data, has introduced new software modules as part of the StorageX platform.

Posted June 08, 2016

Cloud computing is gaining ground in the enterprise since it allows businesses to concentrate on their core competencies rather than on IT. As cloud becomes more popular, organizations are focusing on hybrid strategies that combine on-premise and cloud capabilities, industry research shows. However, data integration and security remain concerns.

Posted June 07, 2016

Emerging and newer vendors can offer fresh, innovative ways of dealing with data management and analytics challenges. Here, DBTA looks at the 10 companies whose approaches we think are worth watching.

Posted June 06, 2016

At Spark Summit in San Francisco this week, Microsoft announced it is making a major commitment for Spark to power Microsoft's big data and analytics offerings including Cortana Intelligence Suite, Power BI, and Microsoft R Server.

Posted June 06, 2016

NoSQL database technology vendor Couchbase has introduced a new Couchbase Spark Connector. According to Couchbase, the new Spark connector will enable businesses to gain business insights faster, enabling them to deliver better customer experiences through web, mobile and IoT applications.

Posted June 06, 2016

SQL Server 2016 became generally available on June 1, as scheduled previously by Microsoft. Described as the "biggest leap forward in Microsoft data platform history" in a Microsoft Developer Network blog, the new release provides improvements in real-time operational analytics, visualizations on mobile devices, analytics, as well as new security technology and hybrid cloud scenarios.

Posted June 06, 2016

For the first time, scientists at IBM Research have demonstrated reliably storing three bits of data per cell using a relatively new memory technology known as phase-change memory (PCM). The current memory landscape spans from venerable DRAM to hard disk drives to ubiquitous flash. But in the last several years, PCM has attracted the industry's attention as a potential universal memory technology based on its combination of read/write speed, endurance, non-volatility and density. For example, PCM doesn't lose data when powered off, unlike DRAM, and the technology can endure at least 10 million write cycles, compared to an average flash USB stick, which tops out at 3,000 write cycles.

Posted May 31, 2016

Confluent is releasing an updated version of its streaming data platform, making Kafka easier to understand and deploy. Confluent 3.0 includes the latest version of Kafka with critical bug fixes along with a variety of extensions to connect to the Kafka platform.

Posted May 27, 2016

EnterpriseDB , a Postgres database company, is releasing the EDB Postgres platform. The EDB Postgres platform enables a wide range of deployment topologies, integrates EDB's enterprise-ready Postgres database with other leading data management solutions, and offers a specialized partner ecosystem for new deployment models.

Posted May 27, 2016

COLLABORATE, the annual conference presented each year by the OAUG, IOUG and Quest, provides the opportunity to reflect on key changes in the Oracle ecosystem and allows the users groups to engage with their constituents about the areas of greatest importance. With the COLLABORATE 16 conference now behind her, Dr. Patricia Dues, the new president of the OAUG, talked with DBTA about what OAUG members are concerned with now and how the OAUG is helping them address emerging challenges.

Posted May 25, 2016

EMC Corp.'s Enterprise Content Division (ECD) is releasing an upgraded version of its EMC InfoArchive platform, enhancing the ability to secure and leverage large amounts of critical data and content.

Posted May 25, 2016

Dell is updating its SharePlex database replication and near real-time data integration solution to enable users to replicate Oracle data directly to SAP HANA, Teradata, or EnterpriseDB Postgres.

Posted May 25, 2016

It seems every week there is another data breach in the news, which translates to millions and millions of personal records, credit card numbers, and other pieces of confidential information stolen each month. The victims of these breaches include important companies with professional IT staff. Now, you may be thinking: "Shouldn't the network guys be responsible for security?"

Posted May 25, 2016

While further discussions and negotiations about the proposed replacement to Safe Harbor continue, the future is clear: U.S. companies have no choice but to shore up their data privacy and security measures in line with Europe's progressive stance. While a nec­essary evolution, history has proved time and time again that companies that take proactive steps today to address future needs will be better positioned than those who attempt to meet compliance-related requirements retroactively.

Posted May 20, 2016

SnapLogic is unveiling new updates to its SnapLogic Elastic Integration Platform that add the ability to integrate streaming data and power big data analytics in the cloud. The Spring 2016 release adds support for Apache Kafka, Microsoft HDInsight, and Google Cloud Storage, plus multiple enhancements that automate data shaping and management tasks.

Posted May 18, 2016

MarkLogic has announced that MarkLogic 9 is available for early access. The latest release of the enterprise NoSQL database features enhancements in data integration, security, and manageability.

Posted May 10, 2016

The latest release of Oracle Database ( offers a unique set of features that portend increases in application workload execution, especially for analytics and data warehousing queries. This release, debuts Oracle Database In-Memory which provides a new columnar format - the In-Memory Column Store (IMCS) - for data that is likely to be accessed regularly for aggregation or analysis, as well as other features such as In-Memory Aggregation and In-Memory Joins that potentially offer several orders of magnitude of performance improvement. Finally, the new In-Memory Advisor makes short work of determining exactly which database objects are most likely able to take advantage of the IMCS.

Posted May 04, 2016

Magnitude Software, a provider of Enterprise Information Management (EIM) software, unveiled a new a master data management offering designed to fuel business processes with accurate customer data for informed decision making.

Posted April 27, 2016

BackOffice Associates, a provider of information governance and data modernization solutions, is acquiring CompriseIT, a U.K. consulting firm specializing in helping enterprises adopt SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA (SAP S/4HANA). BackOffice Associates' acquisition of CompriseIT is the latest initiative in move to strengthen its expertise in helping customers as they embark on their journey to implement SAP S/4HANA.

Posted April 27, 2016

Cisco is launching an appliance that includes the MapR Converged Data Platform for SAP HANA, making it easier and faster for users to take advantage of big data. The UCS Integrated Infrastructure for SAP HANA is made easy to deploy, speeds time to market, and will reduce operational expenses along with providing users with the flexibility to choose a scale-up (on-premises) or scale-out (cloud) storage strategy.

Posted April 27, 2016

Zscaler, a provider of a security as a service platform, is unveiling a new service that enables organizations to provide access to internal applications and tools while ensuring the security of their networks.

Posted April 26, 2016

The COLLABORATE 16 conference for Oracle users kicked off with a presentation by Unisphere Research analyst Joe McKendrick who shared insights from a ground-breaking study that examined future trends and technology among 690 members of three major Oracle users groups.

Posted April 25, 2016

The need for data integration has never been more intense than it has been recently. The Internet of Things and its muscular sibling, the Industrial Internet of Things, are now being embraced as a way to better understand the status and working order of products, services, partners, and customers. Mobile technology is ubiquitous, pouring in a treasure trove of geolocation and usage data. Analytics has become the only way to compete, and with it comes a need for terabytes—and gigabytes—worth of data. The organization of 2016, in essence, has become a data machine, with an insatiable appetite for all the data that can be ingested.

Posted April 25, 2016

To help organizations that are being held back from moving enterprise workloads to a public cloud because of business, legislative, or regulatory requirements that restrict where and how they handle data, Oracle has launched a new set of offerings. Introduced at Oracle CloudWorld in Washington, DC, by Thomas Kurian, president, Oracle, "Oracle Cloud at Customer" enables organizations to get the benefits of Oracle's cloud services but in their own data center.

Posted April 20, 2016

Dataguise, a provider of data security solutions, is making DgSecure available for the detection, monitoring, and protection of sensitive data across Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) and all Elastic MapReduce (EMR) platforms that use AWS S3.

Posted April 19, 2016

When users require access to multiple databases on multiple servers distributed across different physical locations, database security administration can become quite complicated. The commands must be repeated for each database, and there is no central repository for easily modifying and deleting user security settings on multiple databases simultaneously. At a high level, database security boils down to answering four questions.

Posted April 19, 2016

Teradata, the big data analytics and marketing applications company, is making key investments in the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Analytics of Things (AoT), along with updating its signature platforms.

Posted April 18, 2016

Hortonworks is making several key updates to its platform along with furthering its mission as being a leading innovator of open and connected data solutions by enhancing partnerships with Pivotal and expanding upon established integrations with Syncsort.

Posted April 15, 2016

Lavastorm is releasing its Accelerators Library solution at no cost to users, offering an array of preconfigured components that make it easier and faster for all Lavastorm users to build analytic applications regardless of technical acumen.

Posted April 14, 2016

IDERA is releasing its SQL Inventory Check platform for free to allow database administrators (DBAs) to easily discover servers on the network and verify versions to keep them properly maintained or to prepare for migrations.

Posted April 13, 2016

DataStax, provider of database software for cloud applications, is releasing a scale-out graph database solution built for cloud applications, providing users with a new tool for maintaining their highly connected data.

Posted April 12, 2016

Delphix is making major updates to its data operations platform, delivering enhancements to strengthen secure application development in the data center and in the cloud. "One of the main bottlenecks that we hear about over and over is management of all of this data," Dan Graves, vice president of product marketing. "That's where Delphix comes in. Our core value is unlocking that data in a secure way to allow businesses to a have fast, fresh, full production environment."

Posted April 06, 2016

Databricks, the company behind Apache Spark, is releasing a new set of APIs that will enable enterprises to automate their Spark infrastructure to accelerate the deployment of production data-driven applications.

Posted April 01, 2016

